SOAP client for KPS (The Identity Information Sharing System) services provided by Ministry of the Interior, Turkey

Gem Version Code Climate


$ gem install 'mernis'

Usage Examples

require 'mernis'

# Most basic usage:
mernis = Mernis.sorgula("11223344556", "john", "doe", "1990")

# With parameter names (required only):
mernis = Mernis.sorgula(id_number="11223344556", first_name="john", last_name="doe", birth_year="1990")

# With parameter names (required + extras):
mernis = Mernis.sorgula(id_number="11223344556", first_name="john", last_name="doe", birth_year="1990", version = 2, log = false)

# With all parameters:
mernis = Mernis.sorgula(id_number="11223344556", first_name="john", last_name="doe", birth_year="1990", version = 2, open_timeout = 60, read_timeout = 60, log = false, wsdl = "" )


mernis = Mernis.sorgula(
      id_number = "12345", # identity number
      first_name = "john", # first name
      last_name = "doe",   # last name
      birth_year = "1990", # year of birth
      version = 2,         # soap version. should be 1 or 2.
      open_timeout = 60,   # timeout duration until SOAP server opens the connection. in seconds.
      read_timeout = 60,   # timeout duration until SOAP server returns response. in seconds.
      log = false,         # logging
      wsdl = "" # wsdl uri


Returns true if the identity number can be validated and false if not. Both returning values are string!


  1. fork the repo ( )
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b cool-feature)
  3. Commit the changes (git commit -am 'My cool features')
  4. Push the branch (git push origin cool-feature)
  5. Make a pull request


gem build mernis.gemspec
gem install ./mernis-1.0.1.gem
gem push mernis-1.0.1.gem
git tag -a v1.0.1 -m "Major updates"
git push --tags
