
A gem to more easily interact with the Merchant e-Solutions API(v2.3).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'merchant_e_solutions'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install merchant_e_solutions


Request a report:

report = MerchantESolutions.settlement_detail_report

Each report has records which hold all the data passed back and some convience methods:

record = report.records.first

record.card_code        # => "MD"
record.credit_company   # => "MasterCard"
record.credit_type      # => "Debit"


Add your user id and password in an initializer:

MerchantESolutions.configure do |config|
  config.user_id = "yourUserID"
  config.password = "yourPassword"

or as environment variables:


A Note on Acquirer Reference Numbers (ARNs)

The MeS detailed report APIs return an acquirer reference number for every transaction. Take a look at the MeS reporting API documentation under 'Links' for more.

One issue we've seen is that the MeS API always returns reference numbers pre-pended with an apostrophe. Instead of 123456789, we consistently see '123456789.

The MeS docs are inconsistent in its examples, showing apostrophes pre-pended to some and none pre-pended to others. The MeS reporting front-end never shows apostrophes in reference numbers, and the apostrophe is never addressed in the documentation.

Further, the reference number is documented as a 23-character field. The apostrophe consistently brings this field's length to 24 characters.

This is probably sloppiness on MeS' end, so by default this library removes these apostrophes. If you want to keep the apostrophe for any reason -- personal preference, interfacing with legacy records that have them -- you can get the reference number unchanged from a record thusly:

reference_number = record.reference_number(:unchanged => true)


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request