Menu Commander

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Easily create menus for any command line tool using simple YAML configuration.


$ gem install menu_commander


Menu Commander adds the menu command line tool to your path. When running it without arguments, it will look for a menu.yml file in the current directory, and will provide you with a menu to execute any shell command.

A basic menu configuration file looks like this:

# menu.yml

# Using %{variables} in a command will prompt for an input when executed
  hello: echo hello
  hi: echo hi %{name}

# Define sub menus for any %{variable} that was defined in the command
  - Harry
  - Lloyd

Running it, looks like this:


All features have an example configuration in the examples folder. To run an example, simply execute menu EAXMPLE_NAME form within the examples folder, where EXAMPLE_NAME is the name of the YAML file without the extension.

Minimal menu requirements

The only requirement for a minimal menu is to have a menu definition with key: command to run.

# examples/minimal.yml
  hello: echo hello
  whoami: whoami

Argument sub-menus

Using %{variables} in a command will prompt for an input when executed. The sub-menu for that input is specified in the args definition.

# examples/args-array.yml
  server: rails server --env %{environment}
  test: RAILS_ENV=%{environment} rspec

    - staging
    - production

Using key: value pairs in the args menu will create a sub-menu with labels that are different from their substituted value:

# examples/args-hash.yml
  server: rails server --env %{environment}
  test: RAILS_ENV=%{environment} rspec

    Staging Environment: staging
    Production Environment: production

In order to obtain the sub-menu items from a shell command, simply provide the command to run, instead of providing the menu options. The command is expected to provide newline-delimited output.

# examples/args-shell.yml
  show: cat %{file}
  edit: vi %{file}

  file: ls 

Free text input

When using a %{variable} that does not have a corresponding definition in the args section, you will simply be prompted for a free text input:

# examples/args-free-text.yml
    echo %{version} > version.txt &&
    git tag v%{version}

Nested menus

You can nest as many menu levels as you wish under the menu definition.

# examples/nested.yml
    images: docker images ls
    containers: docker ps -a
      deploy: docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml mystack
      list: docker stack ls

    status: git status
    branch: git branch

By default, menu files are looked for in the current working directory.

You may instruct Menu Commander to look in additional locations by setting the MENU_PATH environment variable to one or more paths. Note that when using this method, Menu Commander will not look in the current directory, unless you include it in MENU_PATH, like this:

$ export MENU_PATH=.:$HOME/menus:/etc/menus

If you wish this setting to be permanent, add it to your .bashrc or your preferred initialization script.