
A simple fix to run your Rails tests with sqlite. From the example at

Install the gem:

gem install memory_test_fix

In your config/environments.rb, use:

config.gem 'memory_test_fix'

In your database.yml, use:

  adapter: sqlite3
  database: ":memory:"

It runs much faster!

You can also adjust the verbosity of the output:

  adapter: sqlite3
  database: ":memory:"
  verbosity: silent

You can also use this with other (testing) environments, not just ‘test’.

Rails Versions

Due to incompatibilities in the loading of gem plugins by Rails, this gem only works with Rails 3 starting from version 0.2.0. If you’re using an older version of Rails, use the 0.1.x version of this gem.


Chris Roos

Adapted by Geoffrey Grosenbach,

Verbosity patch by Kakutani Shintaro

Adapted as GemPlugin by Matijs van Zuijlen

Support for environments besides ‘test’ by Erik Hanson & Matt Scilipoti

Support for Rails 3 by Greg Weber