Medium SDK for Ruby

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A Ruby SDK for the API including:

  1. Auth via OAuth 2.0 with automatic token refresh and demo app. This is necessary to request the listPublications or uploadImage access scopes.
  2. Auth via integration token with demo app
  3. Get and Post convenience methods
  4. Raw HTTP methods via Faraday client useful for image upload
  5. Swagger 2.0 spec in YAML and JSON


Via Bundler

Add medium_sdk to Gemfile and then run bundle:

$ echo "gem 'medium_sdk'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle

Via RubyGems

$ gem install medium_sdk



Authorization Code Grant

The OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant is designed for where authorization needs to be granted by a 3rd party resource owner. This is required if your app wishes to request the listPublications or uploadImage scopes.

  • Initializing the SDK with the client_id parameter will use MediumSdk::Connection::AuthCode to manage the connection
  • Token refresh is automatically / transparently handled by FaradayMiddleware::OAuth2Refresh
require 'medium_sdk'

# Initialize SDK with OAuth redirect URI
client =
  client_id: 'my_client_id',
  client_secret: 'my_client_secret',
  redirect_uri: ''

# Retrieve OAuth authorize url using default redirect URL
auth_url = client.connection.authorize_uri(
  scope: 'basicProfile,listPublications,publishPost',
  state: 'myState'

On your redirect page, you can exchange your authorization code for an access token using the following:

code  = params['code'] # e.g. using Sinatra to retrieve code param in Redirect URI

You can also save and load tokens for use across SDK instances:

# Access `OAuth2::AccessToken` object as hash including `access_token`, `refresh_token`, etc.
token_hash = client.connection.token.to_hash

# set_token() accepts a hash or OAuth2::AccessToken object

Integration Token

Initializing the SDK with the integration_token and not the client_id parameter will use MediumSdk::Connection::IntegrationToken to manage the connection.

require 'medium_sdk'

# Initialize SDK with integration token
client = integration_token: token

# Set integration token after initialization
client.connection.token = token

Resource Methods

See the Swagger 2.0 spec in YAML and JSON for more info.


Getting the authenticated user’s details
# Getting the authenticated user’s details
data =


Listing the user’s publications
# Listing the user’s publications
data = client.user_publications           # uses authorized user's userId
data = client.user_publications 'user_id' # uses explicit userId
Fetching contributors for a publication
# Fetching contributors for a publication
data = client.publication_contributors 'publication_id'


Creating a post
# Creating a user post
data =, {
  title: "Hard things in software development",
  contentFormat: "html",
  content: "<p>Cache invalidation</p><p>Naming things</p>",
  tags: ["development", "design"],
  publishStatus: "draft"

# Creating a backdated user post using `publishedAt` and `notifyFollowers`
data =, {
  title: "Hard things in software development",
  contentFormat: "html",
  content: "<p>Cache invalidation</p><p>Naming things</p>",
  tags: ["development", "design"],
  publishStatus: "public",
  publishedAt: "2016-08-12T00:00:00+00:00",
  notifyFollowers: false
Creating a post under a publication
# Creating a publication post using `publicationId`
data =, {
  title: "Hard things in software development",
  contentFormat: "html",
  content: "<p>Cache invalidation</p><p>Naming things</p>",
  tags: ["development", "design"],
  publishStatus: "public",
  publicationId: "b45573563f5a"


Uploading an image
# Upload image
payload = {
  image:'/path/to/my_image.jpg', 'image/jpeg')
response = 'images', payload

Raw HTTP Client

The SDK's Faraday client can be accessed for sending raw requests. This can be used to upload images using Faraday::UploadIO.

response = client.connection.http.get 'me'

response = client.connection.http do |req|
  req.url 'me'

See the Faraday project for more info.

Swagger Spec

A Swagger 2.0 spec is included with this SDK for reference.

Format Validation
JSON Spec Validate JSON
YAML Spec Validate YAML


Demos are in the scripts directory and use .env files for configuration.

Integration Token Demo

$ cd scripts
$ cp example.env .env
$ vi .env
$ ruby me_token.rb

OAuth 2.0 Demo

Execute the following and then go to the URL in your browser after launching the Sinatra app.

$ cd scripts/sinatra
$ bundle
$ cp example.env .env
$ vi .env
$ ruby app.rb

Change Log


Project Repo

Medium API Docs


  1. Swagger validation and YAML-to-JSON conversion by swagger-parser.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Medium SDK for Ruby is available under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE.txt for details.

Medium SDK for Ruby © 2016 by John Wang