Upgrading to various major and minor releases

You can check your current version by running bundle list mediawiki_selenium in the root directory of your project.

From 1.x releases to 1.7.x

Update your Gemfile

First, update the Gemfile in your project's root directory to specify the new version. Replace x.x.x with version number from lib/mediawiki_selenium/version.rb.

gem 'mediawiki_selenium', '~> x.x.x'

Update require paths in env.rb

The 1.6 release of MW-Selenium decoupled much of the Cucumber specific implementation to make room for alternative test harnesses such as RSpec. Some support files were moved around to make this separation clearer.

Assuming you're using Cucumber, which is still the default harness, update the first set of require statements in tests/browser/features/support/env.rb to the following.

require 'mediawiki_selenium/cucumber'
require 'mediawiki_selenium/pages'
require 'mediawiki_selenium/step_definitions'

Note that you can always omit the page object and step definition statements if they don't apply to your test cases. The only must have is the first require.

From pre-1.0 releases to 1.x

Update your Gemfile

First, update the Gemfile in your project's root directory to specify the new version. Replace x.x.x with version number from lib/mediawiki_selenium/version.rb.

gem 'mediawiki_selenium', '~> x.x.x'

Upgrade gems and dependencies

Now run bundle install to update your project's gem dependencies and Gemfile.lock.

Run the initialization script

Version 1.0 now includes an initialization script that can help with the setup of new and existing test suites. Run the script in your project's root directory via Bundler.

bundle exec mediawiki-selenium-init

Two important files will be created if they don't already exist. The first is an environments.yml configuration file that describes the environments in which you intend your test suite to run. For details on how it should be configured, consult the "Getting Started" section of the README.

The second file, tests/browser/features/support/env.rb, is for bootstrapping the Cucumber environment. Since you're working with an existing test suite, you may run into a conflict here. Just make sure that your env.rb contains the following before anything else.

require 'mediawiki_selenium/cucumber'
require 'mediawiki_selenium/pages'
require 'mediawiki_selenium/step_definitions'

Convert page object URLs

Convert all page object URLs so that they're defined relative to the root of any given wiki and no longer rely on the now deprecated URL module. In other words, change page object classes like the following.

class MainPage
  include PageObject
  include URL

  page_url URL.url('Main_Page')

  # ...

To something like this.

class MainPage
  include PageObject

  page_url 'Main_Page'

  # ...

Refactor direct use of ENV

Change all references to ENV to use the appropriate Environment method.

For example, change things like:

Given(/^I am logged in to the primary wiki domain$/) do

To something like:

Given(/^I am logged in to the primary wiki domain$/) do
  visit(LoginPage).(user, password)

More esoteric configuration that isn't accessible via a method of Environment can still be read via Environment#lookup and Environment#[].

Change something like the following:

Then(/^the default language should reflect my browser language$/) do
  on(PreferencesPage) do |page|
    expect(page.language_preference).to eq(ENV['BROWSER_LANGUAGE'])

To something like:

Then(/^the default language should reflect my browser language$/) do
  on(PreferencesPage) do |page|
    expect(page.language_preference).to eq(env[:browser_language])
    # or
    expect(page.language_preference).to eq(lookup(:browser_language))

Remove direct references to @browser

All references to @browser should use Environment#browser instead, since the latter will automatically configure and launch the browser the first time it's needed.

For example:

When(/^I am viewing Topic page$/) do
  on(FlowPage).wait_until { @browser.url =~ /Topic/ }

Would be changed to:

When(/^I am viewing Topic page$/) do
  on(FlowPage).wait_until { browser.url =~ /Topic/ }

Refactor use of deprecated APIPage

API requests should be made directly using MediawikiSelenium::ApiHelper#api which returns an instance of MediawikiApi::Client.

For example:

Given(/^the "(.*)" article contains "(.*)"$/) do |title, text|
  on(APIPage).create(title, text)

Would be changed to:

Given(/^the "(.*)" article contains "(.*)"$/) do |title, text|
  api.create_page(title, text)