MD::Noko: in goes Markdown, out comes Nokogiri


require 'md-noko'

mdnk =
doc  = mdnk.ingest'')

# or

doc  = mdnk.ingest <<EOT
# Hi

Markdown here!



# doc is a Nokogiri::XML::Document


This is a simple module that encapsulates a set of desirable manipulations to the (X)HTML output of Redcarpet. It exposes (for now) a single method, ingest, which returns a Nokogiri::XML::Document, for further manipulation. In particular, this module:

  • Adds HTML preamble to produce a valid document,
  • Creates a <base href=""/> element which you can pass a URL,
  • Creates a hierarchy of <section> elements and places headings and content inside,
  • If the document contains exactly one <h1> which is the very first thing in the file, it is copied into the <title>, and removed from the document body if determined to be redundant (i.e. unless it contains markup elements and not strictly text),
  • A <blockquote> element containing exactly one nested <blockquote> element is converted into a single <aside role="note">,
  • Images on their own paragraph are transformed into a <figure>,
  • Text nodes not descendants of <pre> are whitespace-normalized and indentation is repaired.

The embedded Redcarpet::Markdown instance has the following flags set:

  • :tables
  • :fenced_code_blocks
  • :quote
  • :highlight

These are currently not exposed.


The usual:

$ gem install md-noko

Or, download it off


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at the GitHub repository.

©2018 Dorian Taylor

This software is provided under the Apache License, 2.0.