Mautic rails

Maintainability Test Coverage

RoR helper / wrapper for Mautic API and forms

Rails 4.2.8+, 5.1+ compatible


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mautic', '~> 2.3'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Also you need migrate database:

$ rails db:migrate


add to config/initializers/mautic.rb:

Mautic.configure do |config|
  # This is for oauth handshake token url. I need to know where your app listen
  config.base_url = ""
  # OR it can be Proc 
  # *optional* This is your default mautic URL - used in form helper 
  config.mautic_url = ""

add to config/routes.rb

mount Mautic::Engine => "/mautic"

Create mautic connection

  1. In your mautic, create new
  2. Got to /your-mount-point/connections
  3. Create new connection - enter URL to your mautic
  4. Copy callback url then go to you mautic

    In mautic you need add API oauth2 login.


    ID = is your Mautic::Connection ID

  5. Create new Oauth2 API connections. Use callback url from previous step and copy key and secret to form in your app

  6. Update and use Authorize button for handshake

For example of integration check


Find connection which you want to use:

  m = Mautic::Connection.last

Get specify contact:

  contact = # => #<Mautic::Contact id=1 ...>

Collections of contacts:

  m.contacts.where("gmail").each do |contact|
    #<Mautic::Contact id=12 ...>
    #<Mautic::Contact id=21 ...>
    #<Mautic::Contact id=99 ...>

New instance of contacts:

  contact ={ email: "[email protected]"} ) # => true

Update contact = "" # => false
  contact.errors # => [{"code"=>400, "message"=>"email: This field is required.", "details"=>{"email"=>["This field is required."]}}]

Do not contact

  contact.do_not_contact? # => false
  contact.do_not_contact! message: "Some reason"
  contact.do_not_contact? # => true

Remove do not contact

  contact.do_not_contact? # => true
  contact.do_not_contact? # => false

Of course you can use more than contact: assets, emails, companies, forms, points ...

Gem provides simple Mautic form submit

There are two options of usage:

  1. Use default mautic url from configuration and shortcut class method: ruby # form: ID of form in Mautic *required* # url: Mautic URL - default is from configuration # request: request object (for domain, and forward IP...) *optional* Mautic::FormHelper.submit(form: "mautic form ID") do |i| i.form_field1 = "value1" i.form_field2 = "value2" end
  2. Or create instance ruby # request is *optional* m ="", request) = {} # hash of attributes m.push # push data to mautic

Webhook receiver

Receive webhook from mautic, parse it and prepare for use.

  1. add concern to your controller

      include Mautic::ReceiveWebHooks
  2. in routes must be specify :mautic_id, for example:

      post "webhook/:mautic_id", action: "webhook", on: :collection


Ideas and pull requests are welcome!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.