
Cucover is a thin wrapper for Cucumber which makes it lazy.

What does it mean for Cucumber to be lazy? It will only run a feature if it needs to.

How does it decide whether it needs to run a feature? Every time you run a feature using Cucover, it watches the code in your application that is executed, and remembers. The next time you run Cucover, it skips a feature if the source files (or the feature itself) have not been changed since it was last run.


  • Uses RCov to map features to covered source files
  • Patches Rails to also map features to covered .erb templates

Installation and Usage

Something like this, as I haven't figured out the dependencies yet for the gem:

sudo gem install spicycode-rcov
sudo gem install mattwynne-cucover

To run your features lazily, just use the cucover binary instead of cucumber. Use the same command-line options as usual, they are all passed directly to cucumber. No magic to see here, just a little gentle duck-punching.


  • Anything that runs out of process will not be covered, and therefore cannot trigger a re-run, so if you use Cucumber to drive Selenium, for example, you're out of luck.
  • This is very new and experimental. There may be bugs. Feedback is welcome via github messages.


  • The features for cucuover itself seem to flicker (intermittently fail). This is probably due to timing issues when figuring out if a file is dirty.
  • Consider making failing features run-run even when they're not dirty, just for the good old red-bar feel

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