
A custom mathquill build used for my own purposes.


This gem requires the asset pipeline...I've only tested it on Rails 4+, but it should work on 3.1+ as well.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mathquill_swiftcalcs_rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mathquill_swiftcalcs_rails

Usage - All Pages

Add the following directive to your Javascript manifest file (application.js):

//= require mathquill

Add the following directive to your Stylesheet manifest file (application.css):

*= require mathquill

Usage - Specific Pages

Add the following to the head portion of any pages you want to include mathquill:

javascript_include_tag "mathquill"

Add the following to the head portion of any pages you want to include mathquill:

stylesheet_link_tag "mathquill"