
This utility search mathematical reviews sites and fetches metadata about articles. It returns results as one of text, xml, html, yaml or ruby formats.


gem install 

Command line usage example

To get full help run it without any argument

Fetching metadata about an article:

math_metadata_lookup.rb article -t "Sobolev embeddings with variable exponent. II"

Returns list of articles: bin/math_metadata_lookup.rb article -t "Sobolev embeddings" -a "Rakosnik, Jiri" -a "Edmunds, David" -f html

Searching for authors: bin/math_metadata_lookup.rb author -a "Vesely, Jiri"

Usage from ruby

require 'rubygems'
require 'math_metadata_lookup'

# initialize search engine to look only to Mathematical Reviews database
l = MathMetadata:Lookup.new :sites => [:mrev]

article = l.article( :title => "Sobolev embeddings with variable exponent. II" ).first
p article[:authors] if article


Content of the resource directory:

  • math_metadata_lookup.js: contains function toggle_references( id ). It can toggle visibility of references in html document. By default are all references visible. If you set in css class references attribute display to none it will be hidden by default.

Function reference

Lookup#article( hash )

Hash arguments are:

  • article id is known
    • :id
  • article id is unknown
    • :title String
    • :authors Array of strings
    • :year

Returns instance of class Result.

Lookup#author( hash )

Search for authors "name forms".

Hash arguments are:

  • :name String. Author name.

Returns instance of class Result.

Lookup#heuristic( hash )

Returns only one best match from each site where similarity is higher then threshold. It runs article searh with first two words from title and only surnames from author names. The result of search is sorted by similarity and articles with similarity less then threshold are deleted. Similarity is count as weighted average from title, authors and year using Levenshtein distance method. The Levenshtein distance function is run on full given title and full given names.

Hash arguments are:

  • :title String
  • :author Array of strings
  • :year String
  • :threshold Float. Range: 0.0...1.0. Default: 0.6

Returns instance of class Result.

Lookup#reference( hash )

Parse reference string and run heuristic.

Hash arguments are:

  • :reference String
  • :threshold Float. Range: 0.0...1.0. Default: 0.6

Returns instance of class Result.