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MarketplaceKit is a gem for Marketplace Platform users.


Install it yourself as:

$ gem install marketplace-kit


  1. Go to marketplace folder you are working on
  2. Ensure marketplace_builder directory exists
  3. Create marketplace_builder/.builder file with endpoint names and their urls { "localhost": { "url": "" }, "staging": { "url": "" }, "production": { "url": "" } }


marketplace-kit <command> [flags]

Example: marketplace-kit deploy -f -e staging

Available commands

All commands should be run in the marketplace directory (ie. marketplace-nearme/)

Command Description
pull Pulls files from database and saves them in the filesystem
deploy Updates database using the filesystem as a source
deploy -e staging Deploys to staging environment (-e option is available for all commands)
deploy -f Updates database using the filesystem as a source with force mode enabled (override all files, don't skip not changed)
sync Watches filesystem and updates the database on every change


Contributing quick start

Bug reports, feature requests

Pull requests