
# this will dump into the log, configuration info for each cache, as well as the .inspect
# for each object returned from the cache
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.debug = false

# this is the type of file store to be used for this cache.
# more adapters can be developed and plugged in as desired
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.adapter = :local_memory # local_memory | memcache | file | drb | html_file (default: local_memory)

# this will marshall objects into and out of the store.
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.marshall_method = :none # none | yaml | ruby (default: none)

# this sets how long objects will live in the cache before they are auto expired.
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.default_expiry = 86400 # time in seconds (default: 24 hours)

# when setting objects into the cache the expiry_swing is +/- to the expiry time.
# example: if the expiry time is 1 hour, and the swing is 15 minutes,
# objects will go into the cache with an expiry time sometime between 45 mins and 75 mins.
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.expiry_swing = 60 * 15 # time in seconds (default: 0)

# these options get passed on directly to the store.
# listed below are options for memcache:
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.store_options.c_threshold = "10_000"
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.store_options.compression = true
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.store_options.debug = false
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.store_options.readonly = false
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.store_options.urlencode = false

# set the servers to be used for memcache
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.servers = [""] # ip:port used for memcache

# listed below are the options for file:
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.store_options.dir = "/cachetastic/caches"

# listed below are the options for drb:
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.servers = ["druby://"]

# configure logging for this cache
# n number of logs can be configured for a cache
log_1 =
log_1.level = Logger::DEBUG
log_2 ="log/cachetastic.log")
log_2.level = Logger::ERROR
configatron.cachetastic_default_options.logger = [log_1, log_2]


If you want to use Drb and the Cachetastic::Adapters::Drb adapter, you’ll have to use the Cachetastic::Drb::Server that comes with Cachetastic. Using this server is simple. It gets installed as a binary when you install the Cachetastic gem.

$ cachetastic_drb_server # that will start the drb server on the host on the port 61676

The server takes to command line parameters: -h <host> -p <port> -v <verbose> -rv <really verbose>


class MyAwesomeCache < Cachetastic::Caches::Base

MyAwesomeCache.set(1, [1,2,3])
MyAwesomeCache.get(1) # => [1,2,3] 

class MyAwesomeCache < Cachetastic::Caches::Base
  class << self
    def get(key, x, y)
      super(key) do
        n = x + y
        set(key, n)

MyAwesomeCache.get(1, 2, 4) # => 8
MyAwesomeCache.get(1, 4, 4) # => 8