utype project aims to be the best blogging platform ever (or I should say a CMS system with blogging capabilities for a good start…). we’ve just started, so don’t expect a production ready application, current sources are experimental :)

if you’re interested in helping us out, just let us know.

contact information:


Required gems:

  1. merb-core
  2. merb-parts
  3. merb-assets
  4. merb_helpers
  5. dm-core
  6. dm-validations
  7. dm-timestamps
  8. dm-is-list
  9. dm-is-tree

Running specs:

  1. create your test database (doooh :)
  2. run: rake dm:db:automigrate MERB_ENV=test
  3. run: rake spec


  1. Create config/database.yml and setup your databases
  2. Install utype by running: rake utype:install
  3. Run the specs: rake spec
  4. To run the server just type merb in the app root