
Yet another distributed lock for Ruby using Redis, with emphasis in the documentation.

Why another redis lock gem?

Other redis locks for ruby: redis-mutex, mlanett-redis-lock, redis-lock, jashmenn-redis-lock, ruby_redis_lock, robust-redis-lock, bfg-redis-lock, etc.

Looking at those other gems I realized that it was not easy to know what was exactly going on with the locks. Then I made this one to be simple but explicit, to be used with confidence in my high scale production applications.



The required versions are because I use the new syntax for the SET command to easily implement the robust algorithm described in the SET command documentation.

To install with bundler, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mario-redis-lock'

Ot install it yourself as:

$ gem install mario-redis-lock


Acquire the lock to do "exclusive stuff":

RedisLock.adquire do |lock|
  if lock.acquired?
    do_exclusive_stuff # you are the one with the lock, hooray!
    oh_well # someone else has the lock

Or (equivalent)

lock =
if lock.acquire
    do_exclusive_stuff # you are the one with the lock, hooray!
  oh_well # someone else has the lock

The class method RedisLock.adquire(options, &block) is more concise and releases the lock at the end of the block, even if do_exclusive_stuff raises an exception. But the second alternative is a little more flexible.


  • redis: (default an instance of Redis, or an options hash to initialize an instance of Redis (see redis gem). You can also pass anything that "quaks" like redis, for example an instance of mock_redis, for testing purposes.
  • key: (default "RedisLock::default") Redis key used for the lock. If you need multiple locks, use a different (unique) key for each lock.
  • autorelease: (default 10.0) seconds to automatically release (expire) the lock after being acquired. Make sure to give enough time for your "exclusive stuff" to be executed, otherwise other processes could get the lock and start messing with the "exclusive stuff" before this one is done. The autorelease time is important, even when manually doing lock.realease, because the process could crash before releasing the lock. Autorelease (expiration time) guarantees that the lock will always be released.
  • retry: (default true) boolean to enable/disable consecutive acquire retries in the same acquire call. If true, use retry_timeout and retry_sleep to specify how long and hot often should the acquire method be blocking the thread until is able to get the lock.
  • retry_timeout: (default 10.0) time in seconds to specify how long should this thread be waiting for the lock to be released. Note that the execution thread is put to sleep while waiting. For a non-blocking approach, set retry to false.
  • retry_sleep: (default 0.1) seconds to sleep between retries. For example: RedisLock.adquire(retry_timeout: 10.0, retry_sleep: 0.1) do |lock|, in the worst case scenario, will do 99 or 100 retries (one every 100 milliseconds, plus a little extra for the acquire attempt) during 10 seconds, and finally yield with lock.acquired? == false.

Configure the default values with RedisLock.configure:

RedisLock.configure do |defaults|
  defaults.redis =
  defaults.key = "RedisLock::default"
  defaults.autorelease = 10.0
  defaults.retry = true
  defaults.retry_timeout = 10.0
  defaults.retry_sleep = 0.1

A good place to set defaults in a Rails app would be in an initializer conf/initializers/redis_lock.rb.

Options can be set to other than the defaults when calling RedisLock.acquire:

RedisLock.acquire(key: 'exclusive_stuff', retry: false) do |lock|
  if lock.acquired?

Or when creating a new lock instance:

lock = 'exclusive_stuff', retry: false)
if lock.acquire

Example: Shared Photo Booth that can only take one photo at a time

If we have a PhotoBooth shared resource, we can use a RedisLock to ensure it is used only by one thread at a time:

require 'redis_lock'
require 'photo_booth' # made up shared resource

RedisLock.configure do |c|
  c.redis = {url: "redis://:[email protected]:6380/15"}
  c.key   = 'photo_booth_lock'

  c.autorelease   = 60 # assume it never takes more than one minute to make a picture
  c.retry_timeout = 300 # retry for 5 minutes
  c.retry_sleep   = 1   # retry once every second

RedisLock.acquire do |lock|
  if lock.acquired?
    raise "I'm bored of waiting and I'm getting out"

This script can be executed from many different places at the same time, as far as they have access to the shared PhotoBooth and Redis instances. Only one photo will be taken at a time. Note that the options autorelease, retry_timeout and retry_sleep should be tuned differently depending on the frequency of the operation and the known speed of the PhotoBooth.take_photo operation.

Example: Avoid the Dog-Pile effec when invalidating some cached value

The Dog-Pile effect is a specific case of the Thundering Herd problem, that happens when a cached value expires and suddenly too many threads try to calculate the new value at the same time.

Sometimes, the calculation takes expensive resources and it is just fine to do it from just one thread.

Assume you have a simple cache, a fetch function that uses a redis instance.

Without the lock:

# Retrieve the cached value from the redis key.
# If the key is not available, execute the block
# and store the new calculated value in the redis key with an expiration time.
def fetch(redis, key, expire, &block)
  val = redis.get(key)
  if not val
    val =
    redis.setex(key, expire, val) unless val.nil? # do not set anything if the value is nil

Whith this method, it is easy to optimize slow operations by caching them in Redis. For example, if you want to do a heavy_database_query:

require 'redis'
redis = "redis://:p4ssw0rd@host:6380")

val = fetch redis, 'heavy_query', 10 do
  heavy_database_query # Recalculate if not cached (SLOW)

puts val

But this fetch could block the database if executed from too many threads, because when the Redis key expires all of them will do the heavy_database_query at the same time.

Avoid this problem with a RedisLock:

require 'redis'
require 'redis_lock'
redis = "redis://:p4ssw0rd@host:6380")

RedisLock.configure do |c|
  c.redis = redis
  c.key = 'heavy_query_lock'
  c.autorelease = 20 # assume it never takes more than 20 seconds to do the slow query
  c.retry = false # try to acquire only once, if the lock is already taken then the new value should be cached again soon

def fetch_with_lock(retries = 10)
  val = fetch redis, 'heavy_query', 10 do
    # If we need to recalculate val,
    # use a lock to make sure that heavy_database_query is only done by one process
    RedisLock.acquire do |lock|
      if lock.acquired?
        nil # do not store in cache and return val = nil

  # Try again if cache miss, and the lock was acquired by other process.
  if val.nil? and retries > 0
    fetch_with_lock(retries - 1)

val = fetch_with_lock()
puts val

In this case, the script could be executed from as many threads as we want at the same time, because the heavy_database_query is done only once while the other threads wait until the value is cached again or the lock is released.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Make sure you have installed Redis in localhost:6379. The DB 15 will be used for tests (and flushed after every test). There is a rake task to play with an example: rake smoke_and_pass