
Manufactory is a minimalistic and clean rewrite of machinist with some improvements.

What is different?

Real DataMapper Support

Machinist doesn’t work with DataMapper right now. It’s not a machinist problem, it’s DataMapper issue, but who cares, it just doesn’t work.


initialization: model_class.new(attrs), so the hooks for default will be fired. it would be even if we do just modelclass.new, but if we have title and slug is created from the title ….

Named Blueprints

  1. 2) You have to have one unnamed blueprint, otherwise you can’t create the named ones

Inheritance isn’t implicit

  1. 3) It uses the default blueprint
  2. PaymentType.make(:paypal)
  3. => #<PaymentType @id=15 @name=“PayPal” @shortcut="cod">
  4. PaymentType.new(name: “PayPal”)
  5. => #<PaymentType @id=nil @name=“PayPal” @shortcut="paypal">

PaymentType.blueprint(:paypel, PaymentType.blueprint) name “PayPal” shortcut nil end