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Manticore is a HTTP client with the fast, robust HTTP client built on the Apache HTTPClient libraries. It is only compatible with JRuby.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'manticore'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install manticore


Documentation is available at


Manticore is very fast.

Major Features

As it's built on the Apache Commons HTTP components, Manticore is very rich. It includes support for:

  • Keepalive connections (and connection pooling)
  • Transparent gzip and deflate handling
  • Transparent cookie handling
  • Both synchronous and asynchronous execution models
  • SSL
  • Much more!


Quick Start

If you don't want to worry about setting up and maintaining client pools, Manticore comes with a facade that you can use to start making requests right away:

Manticore.get ""

Additionally, you can mix the Manticore::Facade into your own class for similar behavior:

class MyClient
  include Manticore::Facade
  include_http_client user_agent: "MyClient/1.0"

MyClient.get ""

Mixing the client into a class will create a new new pool. If you want to share a single pool between clients, specify the shared_pool option:

class MyClient
  include Manticore::Facade
  include_http_client shared_pool: true

class MyOtherClient
  include Manticore::Facade
  include_http_client shared_pool: true

More Control

Manticore is built around a connection pool. When you create a Client, you will pass various parameters that it will use to set up the pool.

client = 5, connect_timeout: 5, socket_timeout: 5, pool_max: 10, pool_max_per_route: 2)

Then, you can make requests from the client. Pooling and route maximum constraints are automatically managed:

response = client.get("")

It is recommend that you instantiate a client once, then re-use it, rather than instantiating a new client per request.

Additionally, if you pass a block to the initializer, the underlying HttpClientBuilder and RequestConfig.Builder will be yielded so that you can operate on them directly:

client = 5) do |http_client_builder, request_builder|

Parallel execution

Manticore can perform multiple concurrent execution of requests.

client =

# These aren't actually executed until #execute! is called.
# You can define response handlers in a block when you queue the request:
client.async_get("") {|req|
  req.on_success do |response|
    puts response.body

  req.on_failure do |exception|
    puts "Boom! #{exception.message}"

# ...or by invoking the method on the queued response returned:
response = client.async_get("")
response.on_success do |response|
  puts "The length of the Yahoo! homepage is #{response.body.length}"

# ...or even by chaining them onto the call
  on_success {|r| puts r.code }.
  on_failure {|e| puts "on noes!"}



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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request