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Welcome to mangadex, your next favourite Ruby gem for interacting with Mangadex.

Important information

By using this gem you accept:

  • To credit Mangadex. This gem is your friendly neighbourhood wrapper on their API.
  • To credit scanlation groups, especially if you offer the ability to read chapters.
  • Not to run any ads on the service that will use this gem. Please do not make money off of Mangadex’s services.

These are Mangadex’s rules, please follow them.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'mangadex'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mangadex


Please note that I tried my best to follow Mangadex’s naming conventions for their documentation. Track the progress here in an issue. Although a work a in progress, feel free to check this out.

Basic Usage

Here’s a couple of cool things you can do with the gem:

Get a list of manga

ruby response = Mangadex::Manga.list manga = # Array of #<Mangadex::Manga>

Get a manga by id, with cover_art

```ruby manga_id = ‘d86cf65b-5f6c-437d-a0af-19a31f94ec55’ response = Mangadex::Manga.get(manga_id, includes: :cover_art) entity = # Object of #<Mangadex::Manga>

Original size

entity.cover_art.image_url(size: :original) entity.cover_art.image_url(size: :medium) entity.cover_art.image_url(size: :small) # default size ```

Get a manga’s chapter list, ordered by volume and chapter number

```ruby manga_id = ‘d86cf65b-5f6c-437d-a0af-19a31f94ec55’ manga_response = Mangadex::Manga.get(manga_id, includes: :cover_art) entity =

chapter_response = Mangadex::Chapter.list( manga:, order: { volume: ‘asc’, chapter: ‘asc’ }, translated_language: ‘en’, ) chapters = # Array of #<Mangadex::Chapter> ```

Get a chapter’s pages

ruby chapter_id = 'e7bb1892-7f83-4a89-bccc-0d6d403a85fc' chapter = Mangadex::Chapter.get(chapter_id).data pages = chapter.page_urls # Data saver true by default

Search for manga by title

ruby response = Mangadex::Manga.list(title: 'Ijiranaide nagatoro') found_manga =


with a block…:

ruby Mangadex::Auth.login(username: 'username', password: 'password') do |user| # `user` is of type Mangadex::Api::User puts(user.mangadex_user_id) puts(user.session) puts(user.refresh) puts(user.session_valid_until) end

…or inline…:

```ruby # user is of type Mangadex::Api::User user = Mangadex::Auth.login(username: ‘username’, password: ‘password’)

puts(user.mangadex_user_id) puts(user.session) puts(user.refresh) puts(user.session_valid_until) ```

You can access the authenticated user by using context:

ruby user = Mangadex.context.user

Refresh the user’s token

ruby Mangadex.context.user.refresh_session! do |user| # `user` is of type Mangadex::Api::User puts(user.mangadex_user_id) puts(user.session) puts(user.refresh) puts(user.session_valid_until) end

Create an public MDList, add then remove a manga

```ruby Mangadex::Auth.login(…) response = Mangadex::CustomList.create(name: ‘My awesome list!’, visibility: ‘public’) custom_list =

manga_id = ‘d86cf65b-5f6c-437d-a0af-19a31f94ec55’ # Add the manga custom_list.add_manga(manga_id)

Remove the manga


Get manga list

manga = # Array of #<Mangadex::Manga> ```

Are you on Rails?

This gem tries its best to be agnostic to popular frameworks like Rails. Here’s however a couple of things to can do to integrate the gem to your project.

First, add the gem to your Gemfile.

Configurating the gem

Create a initilizer file to config/initializers/mangadex.rb. You can add the following:

```ruby Mangadex.configure do |config| # Override the default content ratings config.default_content_ratings = %w(safe suggestive)

# Override the Mangadex API URL (ie: proxy) config.mangadex_url = ‘’ end ```

Authenticate your users

This could be useful if you want to support authentication. You will need to persist your user’s session, refresh token and session expiry date.

Persist the user information

If you haven’t done so, create your user.

```ruby class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change create_table :users do |t| t.string :mangadex_user_id, null: false t.string :username t.string :session t.string :refresh t.datetime :session_valid_until

end   end end


Already created your User class? Make sure it has all of the following:

  • mangade_user_id: ID used to identify your user on Mangadex
  • username: Your username
  • session: The session token (valid for 15 minutes)
  • refresh: The refresh token, used to refresh the session (valid for 1 month)
  • session_valid_until: The time session session expires at

If anything is missing, create a migration.

Authentication flow on the controller

Add these methods to your controller’s helper (ie: ApplicationHelper):

```ruby module ApplicationHelper def current_user @current_user ||= User.find_by(id: session[:id]) end

def logged_in? current_user.present? end

def log_in(user) # user is an instance of your User class session[:id] = user.id6 end

def log_out # Logout from Mangadex Mangadex::Auth.logout

# Remove the session
session.delete(:id)   end end ```

First make sure ApplicationController includes the helper above

```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include ApplicationHelper

# … end ```

We recommend creating a controller for authentication. Here’s how you can implement the login and logout actions:

```ruby # app/controllers/session_controller.rb class SessionController < ApplicationController # GET /login def new # render the login form end

# POST /login def create username = params[:username] password = params[:password]

# You can also use `email` instead of `username` to log in
user = Mangadex::Auth.(username: username, password: password) do |mangadex_user|
  # Find the user by mangadex user id (or initialize if it doesn't exist)
  our_user = User.find_or_initialize_by(mangadex_user_id: mangadex_user.mangadex_user_id) do |new_user|
    new_user.username =

  # Update the session info data
  our_user.session = mangadex_user.session
  our_user.refresh = mangadex_user.refresh
  our_user.session_valid_until = mangadex_user.session_valid_until

  # ...then save the user!

# `user` will be an instance of your `User` class
# Now, we can log in then redirect to the root.
redirect_to(root_path)   rescue Mangadex::Errors::AuthenticationError => error
# See to learn more about errors

# Handle authentication errors here   end

# DELETE /logout def destroy log_out

redirect_to(root_path)   end end ```

Finally, add the routes.

ruby # config/routes.rb Rails.application.routes.draw do # ... get '/login' => 'session#new' post '/login' => 'session#create' delete '/logout' => 'session#destroy' end

Protected resources

Here’s an example of a controller that requires every action to be logged in. This is based on the steps above.

```ruby class ProtectedController < ApplicationController before_action :ensure_logged_in!


def ensure_logged_in! return if logged_in?

redirect_to() # go to /login   end end ```

We’re going with managing (list, create, show, edit, delete) MDLists (ie: custom lists). We’re not using strong params below to keep things simple, but you should, especially when mutating data (ie: creating and editing).

```ruby class CustomListsController < ProtectedController # GET /custom_list def index @custom_lists = Mangadex::CustomList.list end

# GET /custom_list/new def new # new custom list form end

# POST /custom_list def create @custom_list = Mangadex::CustomList.create( name: params[:name], visibility: params[:visibility], manga: params[:manga], # Manga ID ) end

# GET /custom_list/ def show @custom_list = Mangadex::CustomList.get(params[:id]) end

# GET /custom_list//edit def edit @custom_list = Mangadex::CustomList.get(params[:id]) # edit custom list form end

# PUT /custom_list/ # PATCH /custom_list/ def update # Note: when updating the custom list, be sure to pass in # the current version number! @custom_list = Mangadex::CustomList.update( params[:id], { name: params[:name], visibility: params[:visibility], manga: params[:manga], version: params[:version].to_i, } ) end

# DELETE /custom_list/ def destroy Mangadex::CustomList.delete(params[:id]) end end ```



You can use Docker to get started with dev work on the repo. After installing Dcoker, you can build the image:

docker build -t mangadex .

Then run the ruby console with the gem loaded

docker run --rm -it mangadex:latest

You can also log in directly when setting the MD_USERNAME and MD_PASSWORD (or MD_EMAIL) environment variables:

docker run --rm -e MD_USERNAME=username -e MD_PASSWORD=password -it mangadex:latest


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

You can also


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Mangadex project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.