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Support code for our default Sidekiq setup.

Includes rake tasks to start and stop Sidekiq, Capistrano recipes for deployment, and a way to restart Sidekiq on reboot.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'makandra_sidekiq'



Your sidekiq configuration has to live in config/sidekiq.yml.

Make sure you include at least :pidfile and :logfile. Sane values are

:pidfile: ./tmp/pids/
:logfile: ./log/sidekiq.log

Passing additional options to sidekiq

Sometimes you will have to pass additional options to the sidekiq binary. You can do this by adding

:sidekiq_command_line_args: '--some --options'

to your config/sidekiq.yml.


makandra_sidekiq comes with Capistrano recipes to call its rake tasks for (re)starting Sidekiq during deployment.

Note that those recipes require Capistrano 3+.

  • Add the following line to your Capfile:
  require 'makandra_sidekiq/capistrano'
  • Give one or more servers the sidekiq role.

  • Make sure that your pidfile is symlinked to a shared directory. For the example above, make sure that set :linked_dirs includes tmp/pids.

Restart sidekiq on reboot

Simply add rake sidekiq:start as a @reboot task to your crontab.

When using whenever, add this to your schedule.rb:

every :reboot do
  rake 'sidekiq:start', output: { standard: nil }

In case you don't use whenever, this crontab entry will work:

@reboot /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /path/to/rails/root && RAILS_ENV=environment bundle exec rake sidekiq:start --silent > /dev/null'


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Tobias Kraze, makandra GmbH

Arne Hartherz, makandra GmbH