Maileva API

This gem allows you to send postal mails through the Maileva system (of La Poste).


Put this in your Gemfile:

gem 'maileva'

To include all the necessary classes, do:

require 'maileva'


Use Maileva.config to configure the default settings of the API like your Maileva credentials. Example:

Maileva.config. = "my_login"

The available configuration variables are:

  • files_root: (Pathname, not String!) A directory where temporary PDF files to send will be stored;
  • ftp_login: (String) Your Maileva FTP login;
  • ftp_password: (String) Your Maileva FTP password;
  • client_id: (String) Your Maileva client ID;
  • confirmation_threshold: (Integer, optional) The maximum number of files which can be sent without confirmation. Default: 100.

Setting rules