=General Requirements= The goal of this project will be to create a plugin for use in any site which will provide an interface to manage mailing lists, scheduling of email mailings, subscribe/unsubscribe from lists by contacts, and view reports of bounces and possible track views of emails. Currently, only one list is supported for subscribe/unsubscribe by contact. An interface is available to provide mailable objects from other plugins.


==Rails 3.2.x Installation==

=== With Bundler ===

  • Modify your Gemfile/add the following gem gem 'mail_manager', git: '[email protected]/var/git/mail_manager'

bundle install # if you're using bundler

  • generate migrations rake mail_manager:import_migrations

  • generate delayed_jobs (this is the only job runner we support right now) rails g delayed_job:active_record

  • migrate the database rake db:migrate

  • add your routes to config/routes.rb (you can say where with at: '/path') mount MailManager::Engine, at: '/admin/mail_manager'