
Has and belongs to one

This basically acts as habtm, but has two new features.

  1. Singular named accessor

  2. Association counter cache

Singular named accessor

We can use not only plural named accessor but also singular one.

class User
  habto :email

User.new.emails => []   # normal habtm accessor
User.new.email  => nil  # useful for handling singular data

Association counter cache

:count option allows use to prefetch count of target in one find method, where the join table is used as counter cache.

class Keyword
  habto :image
  habto :board

class Image
  habto :keyword

class Board
  habto :keyword

### Normal operation

=> #<Keyword:0xf715348c @attributes={"name"=>"cute", "id"=>"1"}>

### Get the count information by :count option with association names

Keyword.find(1, :count=>:images)
=> #<Keyword:0xf707dae4 @attributes={"name"=>"cute", "image_count"=>"4", "id"=>"1", "keyword_id"=>"1"}>
Keyword.find(1, :count=>:boards)
=> #<Keyword:0xf707a560 @attributes={"board_count"=>"2", "name"=>"cute", "id"=>"1", "keyword_id"=>"1"}>

### Fetch all count information by :count option with true (same as :count=>[:images, :boards])

Keyword.find(1, :count=>true)
=> #<Keyword:0xf7084880 @attributes={"board_count"=>"2", "name"=>"cute", "image_count"=>"4", "id"=>"1", "keyword_id"=>"1"}>


  1. create a new rails project for test

  2. prepare files

    ln -s vendor/plugins/habto/spec
    rm -rf app/models
    ln -s ../spec/app/models app/models
    ln -s ../spec/migrate db/migrate
  3. run migrate

  4. rake spec

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