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Easy collection display grid with column sorting and pagination.

Displays a collection (ActiveRelation or Array) wrapped in an html table with server side column sorting, filtering hooks, and search bar. Large collections can be paginated with either the will_paginate gem or kaminari gem if you use them, or a naive Enumerable based paginator (without pager links) if neither is present.

Tables are styled using Themeroller compatible classes, which also don't look too bad with Bootstrap.

Basic Usage

In your Gemfile:

gem 'magic_grid'

In your view:

<%= magic_grid(@posts, [:title, :author]) %>

Or a more realistic example:

<%= magic_grid(@posts, [:title, :author, "Actions"]) do |post| %>
    <td><%= link_to(post.title, post) %></td>
    <td><%= link_to(, %></td>
      <%= link_to("Edit", edit_post_path(post)) %> |
      <%= link_to("Delete", post, method: :delete,
                  data: {confirm: "Are you sure?"}) %>
<% end %>


Testing was originally done UnitTest style, with some tarantula to force a bunch of random page renderings. I've since added some RSpec goodness.

To run all the tests, just run rake.