
TODO: Write a gem description


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'magellan-cli'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install magellan-cli

generate reference pages

export DEVCENTER_DIR=/path/to/
LANG=en DEST=$DEVCENTER_DIR SUBDIR=reference/magellan-cli/$LANG bundle exec rake reference
LANG=ja DEST=$DEVCENTER_DIR SUBDIR=reference/magellan-cli/$LANG bundle exec rake reference


cd /path/to/
bundle exec jekyll serve

open http://localhost:4000/reference/magellan-cli/en open http://localhost:4000/reference/magellan-cli/ja

After check the pages, you can commit the .md files to repogitory.


All-in-one patterns

1. [API Server terminal] initialize Database

bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed

2. [API Server terminal] start API server and delayed_job daemon

bundle exec bin/delayed_job start
bundle exec bin/delayed_job status
bundle exec rails s

3. [cli terminal] Load Magellan.yml

magellan-cli project load 1 path/to/Magellan.yml

4. [cli terminal] create and configure Host Instance

magellan-cli host_instance sample_launch_options > launch_options.json
magellan-cli host_instance create 1 gce magellan-gce-sandbox1 launch_options.json
magellan-cli stage configure 1

5. [API Server terminal]

Modify Host Instance config, if you need.

6. [cli terminal] confirm Host Instance data

magellan-cli host_instance show 1

7. [cli terminal] start stage inculding VmInstances and ContainerInstances

magellan-cli stage start 1

8. [cli terminal] wait for stage working

check status of stage, host_instance and container_instance

magellan-cli stage list
magellan-cli host_instance list
magellan-cli container_instance list

9. [cli terminal] connection check


require 'json'
host_ip = JSON.parse(`magellan-cli host_instance show 1`)["public_ip"]
require 'libmagellan'
lm = host_ip, port: 80,
                     consumer_key: "groovenauts.app1",
                     consumer_secret: "test")
puts Libmagellan::VERSION
# => "pong\n"
# => "{\"hello\":\"world\"}"


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/magellan-cli/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request