Madness - Instant Markdown Server

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$ gem install madness

Design Intentions

Madness was designed in order to provide easy browsing, viewing and searching for local, markdown based documentation directories.

Feature Highlights

  • Easy to use
  • Built in full text search
  • Built in GraphViz diagram generator
  • Configure with a configuration file or command arguments


Go to any directory that contains markdown files and run:

$ madness

For more options, run:

$ madness --help

Directory Conventions

Madness expects to be executed in a documentation directory.

A documentation directory contains only markdown files (*.md) and sub directories that contain more markdown files.

The server will consider the file in any directory as the main file describing this directory.

The navigation sidebar will show all the sub directories and files in the same directory as the viewed file.

Example structure:

├── Double
├── Folder
│   └──
└── Another Folder

Configuration File

All the command line arguments can also be configured through a configuration file. Create a file named .madness.yml in your documentation directory, and modify any of the settings below.

# .madness.yml
path: '.'
port: '3000'
bind: ''
autoh1: true
highlighter: true
line_numbers: true
index: false
development: false

Madness comes with a full text search page. To activate it, you need to generate a search index by running madness --index or madness path/to/docs --index.

This will create an _index sub folder, and will add a new search page to your documentation server.

You will need to run this command from time to time, as your documents change or new documents are added.

Images and Static Files

Your markdown directory can have a public folder. Anything in it will be served as is. For example, if you have public/images/ok.png you can access it from your markdown file by typing:

![alt text](/images/ok.png)

Automatic H1

If your markdown document does not start with a level 1 heading, it will be automatically added based on the file name.

Hidden Directories

Directories that begin with an underscore will not be displayed in the navigation.

Automatic GraphViz Dot Diagram Generation

This feature requires that you have GraphViz installed ($ sudo apt install graphviz).

What you place *.dot files in the _dot folder (or subfolders), they can be accessed directly as an image in your Markdown files.

In development mode, when such files are accessed, Madness will run the graphviz dot command and generate a respective image in the public folder.

For example, if you have the following graphviz file:

# _dot/diagrams/
digraph {
  Hello -> World

You can access it from your markdown files like this:

!['alt text'](/diagrams/

This will work in one of two ways:

  1. If the server is in development mode (--development), then it will create a png image in the public folder, and redirect to it.
  2. If the server is in production mode, it will redirect to the (previously-generated-) png image in the public folder, meaning public/diagrams/my_diagram.png

Docker Image

This gem is also available as a docker image.

This command will start the server on localhost:3000, with the current directory as the markdown documentation folder

$ docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/docs -p 3000:3000 dannyben/madness

For more information see: