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The Markdown Swiss Army Knife


$ gem install madman

Or with Bundler:

gem 'madman', require: false


  • [x] GitHub-style markdown generation (markup and stylesheet).
  • [x] Convert markdown to HTML file.
  • [x] Ad-hoc server to serve a markdown file locally for preview.
  • [ ] Ad-hoc server to allow editing of a local markdown file.
  • [x] Markdown generation with GitHub API (optional).
  • [x] Table of Contents generation for a folder of markdown files.
  • [x] Web server for an entire folder (like Madness) with GitHub Pages compatibility.
  • [x] Automatic detection of Right-to-Left markdown files for HTML rendering.
  • [x] Generate navigation README in folders without one.
  • [x] Convert YAML file to an interactive HTML with collapsible sections.
  • [ ] Generate breadcrumbs.
  • [ ] Combine multiple markdown files to one.
  • [ ] Table of Contents generation for a single file.


$ madman
  nav      Add site-wide navigation links to README files
  preview  Serve a markdown or YAML file using a local server
  readme   Create README in all qualified sub directories
  render   Render markdown or YAML to HTML
  serve    Serve a markdown directory using a local server

Render Markdown or YAML to HTML

$ madman render
  madman render FILE [--github --save OUTFILE]
  madman render (-h|--help)
Show full usage ``` $ madman render --help Render markdown or YAML to HTML Usage: madman render FILE [--github --save OUTFILE] madman render (-h|--help) Options: --github Render using the GitHub API Requires setting the GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable --save OUTFILE Save the output to a file -h --help Show this help Parameters: FILE The input markdown or YAML file Environment Variables: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Your GitHub API access token Generate one here: Examples: madman render madman render --github madman render --save out.html madman render file.yml --save out.html ```

Preview Markdown or HTML in Browser

$ madman preview
  madman preview FILE [--port N --bind ADDRESS]
  madman preview (-h|--help)
Show full usage ``` $ madman preview --help Serve a markdown or YAML file using a local server This command will start a local server with two endpoints: / will render the markdown with the default renderer /github will render with the GitHub API Usage: madman preview FILE [--port N --bind ADDRESS] madman preview (-h|--help) Options: -p --port N Set server port [default: 3000] -b --bind ADDRESS Set server listen address [default:] -h --help Show this help Parameters: FILE The input markdown or YAML file Environment Variables: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Your GitHub API access token Required only if you wish to use the '/github' endpoint Generate one here: Examples: madman preview madman preview -p4000 madman preview file.yml ```

Personal Wiki (Serve a complete Markdown folder)

$ madman serve
  madman serve DIR [--port N --bind ADDRESS --github]
  madman serve (-h|--help)
Show full usage ``` $ madman serve --help Serve a markdown directory using a local server Usage: madman serve DIR [--port N --bind ADDRESS --github] madman serve (-h|--help) Options: --github Use the GitHub API renderer instead of the default one -p --port N Set server port [default: 3000] -b --bind ADDRESS Set server listen address [default:] -h --help Show this help Parameters: DIR The directory containing markdown files Environment Variables: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Your GitHub API access token Required only if you wish to use the '/github' endpoint Generate one here: Examples: madman serve madman serve path/to/docs -p4000 --github ```

Inject Site Navigation (Table of Contents)

$ madman nav
  madman nav DIR [options]
  madman nav (-h|--help)
Show full usage ``` $ madman nav --help Add site-wide navigation links to README files This command generates a Table of Contents for a directory, and injects it to a file. In addition, it supports recursive execution, which will add a Table of Contents to all README files (or a filename of your choice) in all the subfolders, creating nagigation pages for an entire Markdown site. Usage: madman nav DIR [options] madman nav (-h|--help) Options: -f --force Inject TOC to all README files, even if they do not have a marker -m --marker TEXT Look for an HTML comment with [default: nav] -d --depth N The depth of the table of contents [default: 1] -v --verbose Show the updated README content -t --target NAME Set the target filename to look for. [default:] -r --recursive Inject to all target files -y --dry Do not save the updated files, just show what will happen -h --help Show this help Parameters: DIR The directory containing markdown files Examples: madman nav madman nav path/to/docs --force --marker toc madman nav path/to/docs --dry -v -d2 ```

Generate README files with H1

$ madman readme
  madman readme DIR [--dry]
  madman readme (-h|--help)
Show full usage ``` $ madman readme --help Create README in all qualified sub directories This command generates files in all subdirectories. Each file will receive an H1 caption with the name of the folder it resides in. This command is designed to assist in preparing a folder for table of contents injection. Usage: madman readme DIR [--dry] madman readme (-h|--help) Options: -y --dry Only show what will be created, don't make any changes -h --help Show this help Parameters: DIR The directory containing markdown files Examples: madman readme . madman readme path/to/docs --dry ```