The Markdown Swiss Army Knife
$ gem install madman
Or with Bundler:
gem 'madman', require: false
- [x] GitHub-style markdown generation (markup and stylesheet).
- [x] Convert markdown to HTML file.
- [x] Ad-hoc server to serve a markdown file locally for preview.
- [ ] Ad-hoc server to allow editing of a local markdown file.
- [x] Markdown generation with GitHub API (optional).
- [x] Table of Contents generation for a folder of markdown files.
- [x] Web server for an entire folder (like Madness) with GitHub Pages compatibility.
- [x] Automatic detection of Right-to-Left markdown files for HTML rendering.
- [x] Generate navigation README in folders without one.
- [x] Convert YAML file to an interactive HTML with collapsible sections.
- [ ] Generate breadcrumbs.
- [ ] Combine multiple markdown files to one.
- [ ] Table of Contents generation for a single file.
$ madman
nav Add site-wide navigation links to README files
preview Serve a markdown or YAML file using a local server
readme Create README in all qualified sub directories
render Render markdown or YAML to HTML
serve Serve a markdown directory using a local server
Render Markdown or YAML to HTML
$ madman render
madman render FILE [--github --save OUTFILE]
madman render (-h|--help)
Show full usage
``` $ madman render --help Render markdown or YAML to HTML Usage: madman render FILE [--github --save OUTFILE] madman render (-h|--help) Options: --github Render using the GitHub API Requires setting the GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable --save OUTFILE Save the output to a file -h --help Show this help Parameters: FILE The input markdown or YAML file Environment Variables: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Your GitHub API access token Generate one here: Examples: madman render madman render --github madman render --save out.html madman render file.yml --save out.html ```Preview Markdown or HTML in Browser
$ madman preview
madman preview FILE [--port N --bind ADDRESS]
madman preview (-h|--help)
Show full usage
``` $ madman preview --help Serve a markdown or YAML file using a local server This command will start a local server with two endpoints: / will render the markdown with the default renderer /github will render with the GitHub API Usage: madman preview FILE [--port N --bind ADDRESS] madman preview (-h|--help) Options: -p --port N Set server port [default: 3000] -b --bind ADDRESS Set server listen address [default:] -h --help Show this help Parameters: FILE The input markdown or YAML file Environment Variables: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Your GitHub API access token Required only if you wish to use the '/github' endpoint Generate one here: Examples: madman preview madman preview -p4000 madman preview file.yml ```Personal Wiki (Serve a complete Markdown folder)
$ madman serve
madman serve DIR [--port N --bind ADDRESS --github]
madman serve (-h|--help)
Show full usage
``` $ madman serve --help Serve a markdown directory using a local server Usage: madman serve DIR [--port N --bind ADDRESS --github] madman serve (-h|--help) Options: --github Use the GitHub API renderer instead of the default one -p --port N Set server port [default: 3000] -b --bind ADDRESS Set server listen address [default:] -h --help Show this help Parameters: DIR The directory containing markdown files Environment Variables: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Your GitHub API access token Required only if you wish to use the '/github' endpoint Generate one here: Examples: madman serve madman serve path/to/docs -p4000 --github ```Inject Site Navigation (Table of Contents)
$ madman nav
madman nav DIR [options]
madman nav (-h|--help)
Show full usage
``` $ madman nav --help Add site-wide navigation links to README files This command generates a Table of Contents for a directory, and injects it to a file. In addition, it supports recursive execution, which will add a Table of Contents to all README files (or a filename of your choice) in all the subfolders, creating nagigation pages for an entire Markdown site. Usage: madman nav DIR [options] madman nav (-h|--help) Options: -f --force Inject TOC to all README files, even if they do not have a marker -m --marker TEXT Look for an HTML comment with [default: nav] -d --depth N The depth of the table of contents [default: 1] -v --verbose Show the updated README content -t --target NAME Set the target filename to look for. [default:] -r --recursive Inject to all target files -y --dry Do not save the updated files, just show what will happen -h --help Show this help Parameters: DIR The directory containing markdown files Examples: madman nav madman nav path/to/docs --force --marker toc madman nav path/to/docs --dry -v -d2 ```Generate README files with H1
$ madman readme
madman readme DIR [--dry]
madman readme (-h|--help)