
LTSV: A Parser / Dumper for Labelled Tab-Separated Values (LTSV)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ltsv'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ltsv


At first, you should require ltsv:

require 'ltsv'

In addition, if you manage gems with bundler, you should add the statement below into your Gemfile:

gem 'ltsv'

parsing LTSV

# parse string
string = "label1:value1\tlabel2:value2"
values = LTSV.parse(string) # => {:label1 => "value1", :label2 => "value2"}

# parse via stream
# content: as below
# label1_1:value1_1\tlabel1_2:value1_2
# label2_1:value2_1\tlabel2_2:value2_2
stream ="some_file.ltsv", "r")
values = LTSV.parse(stream)
# => [{:label1_1 => "value1_2", :label1_2 => "value1_2"},
#     {:label2_1 => "value2_2", :label2_2 => "value2_2"}]

Current limitation: parsed string should be in one line. If you include any special chars that may affect to the processing( "\r", "\n", "\t", "\"), you should properly escape it with backslash.

loading LTSV file

# parse via path
values = LTSV.parse("some_path.ltsv")

# parse via stream
stream ="some_file.ltsv", "r")
values = LTSV.load(stream) # => same as LTSV.parse(stream)

dumping into LTSV

value = {label1: "value1", label2: "value2"}
dumped = LTSV.dump(value) # => "label1:value1\tlabel2:value2"

Dumped objects should respond to :to_hash.

Author and Contributors


  • 2013/02/12 0.1.0
    Thanks to Masato Ikeda.
    parse(String) method now accepts multi-line string and returns an Array of Hash. for single line String, use the new parse_line method.
  • 2013/02/11 0.0.3
    Thanks to Chezou.
    • Added the specs for load() method.
    • Fixed the bug when handling empty keys or values.
  • 2013/02/08 0.0.2 Bug Fix for parse_io() internal method, which affects the behaviour when parse() method receives an IO instance for the first argument.
    Thanks to Naoto Shingaki.
  • 2013/02/07 0.0.1 First Release.


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