2014-05-20 Version 1.0.1


2014-05-07 Version 1.0.0

Major rewrite to work with native types proxied into a template Rubyverse.

RESOURCES file now built from shell script find_resources.

Added support for regexp.match(string) and string.match(regexp).

2014-03-15 Version 0.2.4

Fixed a bug in the parameter scalar assignment determination.

2013-08-04 Version 0.2.3

Documented LtdTemplate constructor options, including the new :missing_method option to supply a callback for missing method calls (an alternative to subclassing LtdTemplate::Value classes). Fixed implementation of class and instance set_classes methods (which can now also accept a loaded class constant as an alternative to a class name string).

LtdTemplate value classes now have a “type” method that returns an associated symbol (e.g., :nil, :number, :string) for use by the :missing_method callback.

Added test cases for $.use, the :missing_method callback, and class and instance set_classes methods.

2013-07-29 Version 0.2.2

Added string methods capcase, downcase, join, regexp, rep/replace, rep1/replace1, split, and upcase.

Added regexp special object and methods ci/ignorecase, ext/extended, and multi/multiline.

Renamed HISTORY.txt to CHANGELOG to conform to best practices; also renamed RESOURCES.txt to RESOURCES.

2013-07-28 Version 0.2.1

Added array.each,each_rnd,each_seq methods (executing the code block supplied as the first parameter with parameters key and value).

Added array/ and array% methods for parameter interpolation with supporting changes to ::Code::Parameters.

Namespace and array to_native methods now dynamically return an array, hash, or Sarah as required for the data.

2013-07-24 Version 0.1.5

Added RESOURCES.txt to .yardopts. OOPS!

2013-07-24 Version 0.1.4

Added String.html (HTML encoding) and String.pcte (percent encoding) methods. Added RESOURCES.txt describing resource usage/limits.

2013-07-13 Version 0.1.3

Fix broken links and otherwise add some polish to TEMPLATE_MANUAL.html.

2013-07-13 Version 0.1.2

Added .yardopts to gemspec. Still trying to get the hang of Ruby packaging.

2013-07-12 Version 0.1.1

Added Gemfile

2013-07-12 Version 0.1.0

Fixed class names in unit tests. String.* now handles multipliers <= 0. Added number.abs (absolute value) method. $.loop now consistently returns an array of results. Added $.array / $.* anonymous array method. Fixed subscripting on method calls. Fixed multi-line comment parsing. Added support for class-variable (proxy) code-block bindings and “class” method for supported types. Fixed an infinite-loop code leg in the parser. Added the template manual (TEMPLATE_MANUAL.html).

2013-07-08 Version 0.0.1

First release