This is a Sinatra server (using Puma) that mimics basic functionality of the Amazon SQS Service (for development purposes).

The messages are stored in hashes therefore they are not persisted. When you shut down the server, the messages are lost.

There is no authentication mechanism in place (yet), so no access key id and secret key are needed.

At the moment these types of transactions are implemented: CreateQueue PurgeQueue ListQueues DeleteQueue GetQueueUrl ReceiveMessage SendMessage SendMessageBatch DeleteMessage DeleteMessageBatch ChangeMessageVisibility


  • Ruby 2.2 or newer


Just install the gem:

gem install lsqs

It doesn't require the aws-sdk itself.


Run lsqs-server in the console.

In your application set the AWS configuration like this (change base_url and port number if you are not using the default ones):

    require 'aws-sdk' # version 2

    # it requires a dot in the URI when polling (to retrieve the region)
    # so 'localhost' won't work.
    base_url = '' 
    port         = 9292

    Aws.config.update(:endpoint => "http://#{base_url}:#{port}")