Module: LowCardTables::Errors

Defined in:


This module contains definitions of all exception classes used by low_card_tables. Note that low_card_tables does not try to wrap any exception bubbled up by methods it calls as a LowCardError; rather, these are just used to raise exceptions specific to low_card_tables.

Any errors that are raised due to programming errors – i.e., defensive detection of things that should never, ever occur in the real world – are left as ordinary StandardError instances, since you almost certainly don’t want to ever catch them.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: LowCardAssociationError, LowCardAssociationNotFoundError, LowCardCannotSaveAssociatedLowCardObjectsError, LowCardColumnError, LowCardColumnNotPresentError, LowCardColumnNotSpecifiedError, LowCardError, LowCardIdNotFoundError, LowCardInvalidLowCardRowsError, LowCardNoUniqueIndexError, LowCardStaticScopeError, LowCardTooManyRowsError, LowCardUnsupportedDatabaseError