Lontara Utilities

Build Version: 3.0.0

This is a collection of utilities for your Ruby project provided by Lontara. These are:

  • LontaraUtilities - a collection of utilities
  • HTTPClient - Client for HTTP Connection
  • RMQ::Client - Client for RabbitMQ Connection
  • RMQ::Server - Server for RabbitMQ Connection
  • Git - An interface to Git Branch and Release
  • BaseError - Custom Error inherited from StandardError with some features


Open your terminal and type:

gem install lontara_utilities

or add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lontara_utilities'

If you wanna use the git method, you need to install git first, and then initialize it in your project directory.

For Rails project, you can use initializer to run RMQ Server. Just add rmq.rb file in config/initializers directory, and add this code:

Note: Currently we only support RPCConsumer (from RPC Pattern) or Subscriber (from Pub/Sub Messaging Pattern) server.

require 'lontara_utilities/rmq'

  server: 'RPCConsumer',
  url: ENV.fetch('RABBITMQ_URL', 'amqp://guest:guest@rmqserver:5672'),
  queue: ENV.fetch('RABBITMQ_QUEUE_VOUCHER', 'lontara-dev.voucher')


You can require this utilities by adding require 'lontara_utilities', or you can require each utilities separately.

require 'lontara_utilities/http_client'


But, if lontara_utilities or it's alias: lontara is required, you can call these methods using method format.

require 'lontara_utilities' # or require 'lontara'

Lontara.http_client.get(url: 'http://example.com')

For usage of each utilities, please refer to the documentation: Lontara Utilities


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at Lontara Utilities.