Lono Cfn

Wrapper cfn tool to quickly create CloudFormation stacks from lono templates and lono-params files. Example:

$ bundle exec lono-cfn create my-stack-$(date +%s) --template my-template --params my-params

The above command:

  1. Generates the lono templates defined in the lono config files.
  2. Generate a parameters file from the params/my-params.txt.
  3. Launch the CloudFormation stack with those parameters.

This tool is meant to be used in conjuction with lono but can also be used separately with the --no-lono flag, which skips the lono generate step.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lono-cfn'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lono-cfn


Provided that you are in a lono project and have a my-stack lono template definition. To create a stack you can simply run:

$ lono-cfn create my-stack

The above command will generate and use the template in output/my-stack.json and parameters in params/my-stack.txt.


The template by convention defaults to the name of the stack. In turn, the params by convention defaults to the name of the template.

  • stack - This is a required parameter and is the CLI first parameter.
  • template - By convention matches the stack name but can be overriden with --template.
  • params - By convention matches the template name but can be overriden with --params.

The conventions allows the command to be a very nice short command that can be easily remembered. For example, these 2 commands are the same:

Long form:

$ lono-cfn create my-stack --template my-stack --params --my-stack

Short form:

$ lono-cfn create my-stack

Both template and params conventions can be overridden. Here are examples of overriding the template and params name conventions.

$ lono-cfn create my-stack --template different-name1

The template that will be use is output/different-name1.json and the parameters will use params/different-name1.json.

$ lono-cfn create my-stack --params different-name2

The template that will be use is output/different-name2.json and the parameters will use params/different-name2.json.

$ lono-cfn create my-stack --template different-name3 --params different-name4

The template that will be use is output/different-name3.json and the parameters will use params/different-name4.json.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request