Logstash output plugin for Site24x7

With Site24x7 plugin for Logstash, you can parse and send logs directly from Logstash, without having to use a separate log shipper.


To add the plugin to your Logstash, use the following command:

logstash-plugin install logstash-output-site24x7


Configure the output plugin

To forward events to Site24x7 add the following code to your Logstash configuration file

output {
    site24x7 {
        log_type_config => "<your_log_type_config>"


Property Description Default Value
log_type_config log_type_config of your configured log type in site24x7 nil
max_retry Number of times to resend failed uploads 3
retry_interval Time interval to sleep initially between retries, exponential step-off 2 seconds
log_source Define custom values, such as the name of the server or environment from where the logs originate Hostname

Need Help?

If you need any support please contact us at [email protected].