Logstash Output Monasca-Log-Api Plugin

Build from source


How to install the requirements

Ubuntu 14.04

gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash
source /home/vagrant/.rvm/scripts/rvm


sudo apt-get install git


sudo apt-get install default-jdk


rvm install jruby

Clone project

git clone https://github.com/FujitsuEnablingSoftwareTechnologyGmbH/logstash-output-monasca_api.git

Use rvm jruby

rvm use jruby

Install bundler

gem install bundler

Fetch dependencies

bundle install

Unit tests

Run unit tests with:

bundle exec rspec

Run specified test

bundle exec rspec spec/outputs/monasca/monasca_log_api_client_spec.rb

Run coverage

JRUBY_OPTS="-Xcli.debug=true --debug" bundle exec rspec

Coverage report can be found in ./coverage

Deploy Plugin to logstash

Build Gemfile

First we need to create a Gemfile.

What is a Gemfile? Gems are packages for the Ruby programming language. A Gemfile defines all dependencies which are neccessary to build the product.

How to build a Gemfile? Run this:

gem build logstash-output-monasca_log_api.gemspec

Deploy Gemfile to logstash

  • Download logstash (>=1.5.0)
  • Extract logstash and navigate into the folder
  • Add this line to the Gemfile
  gem "logstash-output-monasca_log_api", :path => "/vagrant_home/cloudmonitor/logstash-output-monasca_log_api"
  • logstash-output-monasca_log_api = name of the gem
  • /vagrant_home/cloudmonitor/logstash-output-monasca_log_api = Path to git workspace

Run this command from logstash folder to install the plugin

bin/plugin install --no-verify

Verify installed plugins: With bin/plugin list you can check installed plugins. There should be logstash-output-monasca_log_api.

Start logstash output plugin


Save the configfile wherever you like. For example ~/logstash.conf

name description required example
monasca_log_api monasca log api url yes
keystone_api keystone api url yes
project_name User-credentials: keystone project name yes mini-mon
username User-credentials: keystone username yes admin-agent
password User-credentials: keystone user password yes password
domain_id User-credentials: keystone user domain-id yes default
dimensions Dictionary of key-value pairs to describe logs no hostname: monasca, ip:
application_type_key Application name no monasca

Example file

input {
  stdin { }
output {
  monasca_log_api {
    monasca_log_api => ""
    keystone_api => ""
    project_name => "mini-mon"
    username => "admin-agent"
    password => "password"
    domain_id => "default"
    dimensions => "hostname: elkstack, ip:"
    application_type_key => "monasca"


bin/logstash -f ~/logstash.conf

Run in debug mode

bin/logstash -f ~/logstash.conf --debug

Specify log output file

bin/logstash -f ~/logstash.conf -l /var/log/monasca/log/agent/test-log-agent.log

Logstash Input plugins


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