Logstash Plugin

Logstash plugin to pull daily reports from the Google Analytics v3 Core Reporting API.

Forked from https://github.com/russorat/logstash-input-googleanalytics.git.


Documentation can be seen in the docs folder (for now). Hopefully, this moves to logstash-plugins repo soon, so it can be rendered properly on elastic.co,


1. Plugin Development and Testing


  • To get started, you'll need JRuby with the Bundler gem installed (jruby -S gem install bundler).

  • Install dependencies

jruby -S bundle install


  • Run tests
jruby -S bundle exec rspec

Running your plugin locally in Logstash

Linking the gem

  • Edit Logstash's Gemfile and add the local plugin path, for example:
gem "logstash-input-google-analytics-daily", :path => "/your/local/logstash-input-googleanalytics"
  • Install the plugin sh bin/plugin install --no-verify
  • Run Logstash with your plugin Example logstash.conf:
input {
  google_analytics_daily {
    view_id => "ga:62549480"
    metrics =>  ["ga:users","ga:sessions"]
    key_file_path => "C:/logstash-7.6.1/keyfile.json"
    dates => ['yesterday', '2020-04-05']
    dimensions => ['ga:browser', 'ga:city']

output {
  stdout {
    codec => rubydebug
bin/logstash -f logstash.conf

NOTE: Any modifications to the plugin code will not show up until you restart Logstash.

2.2 Run in an installed Logstash

Logstash by editing its Gemfile and pointing the :path to your local plugin development directory or you can build the gem and install it using:

  • Build your plugin gem sh jruby -S gem build logstash-input-google-analytics-daily.gemspec
  • Install the plugin from the Logstash home sh bin/plugin install install Projects/logstash-input-google-analytics-daily/logstash-input-google-analytics-daily-1.0.0.gem
  • Start Logstash with your pipeline config:
bin/logstash -f logstash.conf