SUMO Logstash Plugin

Filters sumo access log lines and extracts useful information.

This projects needs jruby, so use "rvm use jruby". Tested and deployed with jruby


3.0.12 Updated ismvod to cover all types starting with ismvod 3.0.13 Updated to latest logstash version 3.0.17 Updated to include all dashvod variants 3.0.18 Added healthcheck as videotype 3.0.19 Bug fix 3.0.20 Added support for hdsvod 3.0.21 Added support for vod4 3.0.22 Added support for /


Update the version numder in logstash-filter-sumo.gemspec Update readme with new release information gem build logstash-filter-sumo.gemspec bundle exec rake publish_gem

Install in logstash

Go to main logstash directory bin/plugin install --version 3.0.11 logstash-filter-sumo

Api access


  • Update your dependencies
bundle install
  • Pull down GeoIP database files
bundle exec rake vendor
  • Run tests
bundle exec rspec

Api access

Author : Leif Terje Fonnes ( [email protected] )

/out/u/463577.mpd => path_type=“elemental live”, dist_type=“live”, video_type=“dash”, asset_id=463577, vtype="manifest" /out/u/463577_video_1_0_3425579.mp4?m=1500616216 => path_type=“elemental live”, dist_type=“live”,video_type=“dash”, asset_id=463577 , vtype="segment" /out/u/880009.m3u8 => path_type=“elemental live”, dist_type=“live”,video_type=“hls”, asset_id=880009, vtype="playlist" /out/u/880009_6.m3u8 => path_type=“elemental live”, dist_type=“live”,video_type=“hls”, asset_id=880009, vtype="chunklist" /out/u/880009_6_3584645.ts?m=1501848254 => path_type=“elemental live”, dist_type=“live”,video_type=“hls”, asset_id=880009, vtype="segment" /out/u/880009.ism/Manifest => path_type=“elemental live”, dist_type=“live”,video_type=“ism”, asset_id=880009, vtype="manifest" /out/u/880009.ism/Events(72_1501848239)/QualityLevels(2499968)/Fragments(v=77110176346666) => path_type=“elemental live”, dist_type=“live”,video_type=“ism”, asset_id=880009, vtype="segment"

On 16 Aug 2017, at 10:18, Robert Uglehus [email protected] wrote:

Manifest: /out/u/463577.mpd (.mpd indikerer at det er dash manifest) Segment: /out/u/463577_video_1_0_3425579.mp4?m=1500616216 (.mp4 indikerer at det er dash segment) (progid 463577)

HLS: Manifest/playliste: /out/u/880009.m3u8 Chunkliste: /out/u/880009_6.m3u8 (.m3u8 indikerer at det er playliste) Segment: /out/u/880009_6_3584645.ts?m=1501848254 (.ts indikerer at det er HLS segment) (progid 880009)

ISM: Manifest /out/u/880009.ism/Manifest (“Manifest” indikerer at det er ISM manifest Segment: /out/u/880009.ism/Events(72_1501848239)/QualityLevels(2499968)/Fragments(v=77110176346666) (“QualityLevels” indikerer at det er segment) (progid 880009)