Logplexer - Multiplex all the logs

Logplexer allows you to multiplex where your logs go depending on the environment: either standard out, log file or Honeybadger. This can be configured at initialize-time or runtime.

By default in a Rails app, it is set to log to standard out in development and test and log to Honeybadger in any other environment. As log as you have Honeybadger set up in your application this gem will work.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'logplexer'


$ gem install logplexer

And then execute:

$ bundle


Logplexer is a wrapper for Honeybadger.notify or Ruby's Logger class with all the methods for the typical Logger class.

If you are in development, you can write:

> Logplexer.info( Exception.new("Oh hai!") )
I, [2015-06-20T15:25:02.182916 #23463]  INFO -- : Oh hai!
=> nil

Or in production:

> Logplexer.info( Exception.new("Oh hai!") )
=> "684f15d9-c8f6-4ad8-885d-3ee50f612305"

Which will call Honeybadger.notify()

Inputs can be any type, Exception, String, Hash, etc.

If you are in development and would like to log to a logfile, just specify a logfile in the opts argument like so:

> Logplexer.info( "Oh hai!", logfile: '/Users/ryanc/Desktop/log.txt' )
 => true
cat ~/Desktop/log.txt
# Logfile created on 2015-06-20 15:49:16 -0700 by logger.rb/47272
I, [2015-06-20T15:49:16.040351 #23538]  INFO -- : Oh hai!

If you're using Rails, you can also specify the logger to be the Rails logger. In fact you can specify any class as the logger so long as the instance responds to all the message types: debug, info, warn, error, and fatal which all instances of Logger will.

> Logplexer.error( "Log to Rails not STDOUT", logger: Rails.logger )

If you would like to see the whole backtrace, just set verbose to true like so:

def method1
    raise "Holy errors Batman"
  rescue => e
    Logplexer.error( e, verbose: true )

def method2

def method3

E, [2015-06-21T16:04:59.247900 #25737] ERROR -- : Holy errors Batman
E, [2015-06-21T16:04:59.248003 #25737] ERROR -- : > /Users/ryanc/Workspace/test_logplexer/config/initializers/logplexer.rb:6:in `method1'
E, [2015-06-21T16:04:59.248024 #25737] ERROR -- : > /Users/ryanc/Workspace/test_logplexer/config/initializers/logplexer.rb:13:in `method2'
E, [2015-06-21T16:04:59.248041 #25737] ERROR -- : > /Users/ryanc/Workspace/test_logplexer/config/initializers/logplexer.rb:17:in `method3'


In most cases specifying logfile, logger, etc at the time of the logger call is fine, but I know there are many who need to fine tune their Logplexing capabilities. Logplexer exposes an array of configuration options that you can add to your config/initializers/logplexer.rb file.

A basic example of a logplexer initializer:

Logplexer.configure do |config|
  # config.logfile = "my_sexy_log.log" # STDOUT by default, but if you set logger, this will be ignored.
  config.logger = Rails.logger # Logger.new(STDOUT) by default
  config.verbose = Rails.env == "development" # logs the backtrace as well
  # quiet = false # if true, nothing will log (helpful for tests)
  config.honeybadger = false # This tells Logplexer whether or not to log to Honeybadger
  config.min_log_level = :warn # :error by default. Can be ( :debug, :info, :warn, :error, or :fatal )

The default initializer is as follows:

Logplexer.configure do |config|
  config.honeybadger = !(Rails.env == 'development' or Rails.env == 'test')


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rspec spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Fullscreen/logplexer.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.