
Loggly API client for the Ruby programming language.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'loggly'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install loggly



Simple connection method for Loggly authorization.

Required Connections Parameters:

params = { :uri => "http://<account>.loggly.com",
           :username => <username>,
           :password => <password> }


Authorize the Loggly API with Loggy.connect(params)

The Loggly API provides a simple interface to perform searches.

Single Field

The query :q => { :'loggly.tag' => "bar" } outputs to loggly.tag:bar

Multiple Fields

There are multiple methods for performing more complex searches.

AND Method Only, for now
:q => {
  :'loggly.tag' => "bar",
  :'other.loggly.tag' => "baz"

outputs to loggly.tags:bar AND other.loggly.tags:baz

Interfacing with API:

Loggly::Event.all(:q => { :'loggly.tags' => "bar" }) returns an array of events.

Search Endpoint Parameters:

  • :q - optional - query string. Defaults to "*".
  • :from - optional - Start time for the search. Defaults to -24h.
  • :until - optional - End time for the search. Defaults to now.
  • :order - optional - Direction of results returned, either asc or desc. Defaults to desc.
  • :per_page - optional - Number of rows returned by search. Defaults to 25.

Check the official Loggy documentation for more assistance.


Each Event has a Response and attributes that match the Loggly fields.


  [{:tags=>["chipper", "frontend"],
    :timestamp => 1377431712208,
    :logmsg => "{\timestamp\: \13-08-25 11:55:12,208191\, \baremsg\: \Alert is due to run\}"",
         :facility=>"local use 1"
          {:timestamp=>13-08-25 11:55:12,208191,
           :baremsg=>"is due to run",
      :logtypes=>["syslog", "json"],
  • total_events - Total number of matching events for the entire time range
  • page - Which page of the result set
  • tags - An Array of any tags associated with the event
  • timestamp - See timestamps to understand how a reference timestamps is derived.
  • logmsg - The message portion of the log event. (Any headers aren't included.)
  • event - Any parsed fields are included.
  • logtypes - An array of log types that were detected.
  • id - Loggly's event ID.

Try the following to get an array of all the event attributes:

events = Loggly::Event.all
events.collect {|event| event.attributes}


  1. Sending Data
  2. Retrieve Account Information
  3. Field Search
  4. OR, NOT and TO search functionality
  5. Filter Search by field
  6. Command Line Tools


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com//loggly/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request