
A wrapper around the logging gem that makes instantiating logs easier. Also has a number of presets for file and standard output logging.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'logging_factory'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install logging_factory


By default all output is written to standard output. To use in your project:

 public class MyClass
    def initialize()
       log = LoggingFactory::DEFAULT_FACTORY.log(self.class)

This will instantiate a log with the default configuration, specified by LoggingFactory::DEFAULT_LOG_CONFIGURATION:

     output: 'STDOUT',
     truncate: false,
     level: :debug,
     format: '[%d] %-5l [%c]: %m\n'

To override this configuration you can modify a log instance like this:

 public class MyClass
    def initialize()
       log = LoggingFactory::DEFAULT_FACTORY.log(self.class, output: 'myproject.log')

Or create a new factory instant for use in your project:

 MY_LOG_FACTORY = LoggingFactory.create (
     output: 'myproject.log'

This will create an factory that will use the myproject.log for logging. Other options which are no supplied will fall back to the default unless explicitly overridden.


See spec/my_log.log for an example (run tests to generate this file).

Standard output:

Log file:

[2013-09-19 23:12:18] DEBUG [LogExample] This is a debug message
[2013-09-19 23:12:18] INFO  [LogExample] This is an informational message
[2013-09-19 23:12:18] WARN  [LogExample] This is an warning message
[2013-09-19 23:12:18] ERROR [LogExample] This is an error message
[2013-09-19 23:12:18] FATAL [LogExample] This is a fatal message


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request