LoggerJson is a gem written in Ruby that adds new functionality, without changing the function of the Logger or Syslog::Logger classes methods, which creates the logs in the json format.

Getting started

LoggerJson's installation is pretty standard:

gem install logger_json

Or add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'logger_json'

Then run bundle install

Just initialize the gem and watch the magic happen

require 'logger_json'

If you don't create a Logger with specified file, don't be discouraged, you can set a environment var or ruby path var

LoggerJson::Text::PATH = 'path_you_desire'

To return the correct line of executed code, set the variable LoggerJson::Text::ROOT_FOLDER  

LoggerJson::Text::ROOT_FOLDER = '/r7/'


        date: "2020-02-05T13:46:11.026134758+00:00", #iso8601
        host: "",
        thread_id: '51515151515151',
        file: '.././component.rb:32:in `rescue in render',
        level: 'info',
        message: 'LoggerJson is a gem written in Ruby that ...'

To add parameters in the json logger

  1. Logger class
more_params = {key1: data, key2: data ... keyN: data}
Logger.new('output').warn(message, more_params)
  1. Syslog::Logger class
LoggerJson::Text::PATH = './logs/logs-json.log'
logger = Syslog::Logger.new 'logger_json'
more_params = {key1: data, key2: data ... keyN: data}
logger.info(message, more_params)


  • Ruby 1.9+

Running tests

Download the source code

LoggerJson uses Mini Test as test framework.

  • Ruby version > 2.0

  • Running all tests:

  ruby test/test.rb
  • Running tests for a specific file:
  ruby test/create_file_spec.rb


LoggerJson changelog is available here.


Copyright (c) 2020