logged: configurable Rails logging

Logged tries to make managing logging with Rails easier.

Heavily inspired by lograge logged allows you to log to multiple destinations in different formats e.g. one log for view rendering times, one for requests and one for slow queries.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'logged'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install logged


Configuration overview

# config/environments/*.rb or config/application.rb
Rails.application.configure do
  # Enabling it
  config.logged.enabled = true

  # Adding a logger
  config.logged.loggers.my.logger = Logger.new(Rails.root.join('log/my.log'))
  config.logged.loggers.rails.logger = :rails

  # Enabling a component
  config.logged.action_controller.enabled = true

  # Disable Rails logging for a component
  config.logged.action_controller.disable_rails_logging = true

  # Setting log level
  config.logged.level = :debug

  # Setting the formatter
  config.logged.formatter = Logged::Formatter::JSON.new
  config.logged.formatter = ->(data) {

  # Setting tags
  config.logged.tags = [ :uuid, 'my-tag' ]

  # Ignore events
  config.logged.ignore << 'process_action.action_controller'

  # Custom ignore callback
  config.logged.custom_ignore = ->(event) {
      event.duration.to_f < 0.25

  # Modifying the data
  config.logged.custom_data = ->(event, data) {
      data.merge({ foo: :bar })


Get wrapping logger:

logger = Logged.logger_by_component(:foo)

Actual logging:

logger = Logged.logger_by_component(:foo)

Disable/Enable logger:

logger = Logged.logger_by_component(:foo)
logger.info('bar') # doesn't get logged


You can replicate the output of lograge by using the following configuration:

# config/environments/*.rb or config/application.rb
Rails.application.configure do
  config.logged.enabled = true
  config.logged.action_controller.enabled = true
  config.logged.action_controller.loggers.lograge.logger = Logger.new(Rails.root.join('log/request.log'))
  config.logged.action_controller.custom_data = ->(event, data) {
    data.reject { |k, _v| %i( event filter ).include?(k) }

  config.logger = Logger.new('/dev/null') # optionally discard other logging

  # to increase performance you can also add the following:
  config.log_level = :unknown
  config.logged.action_controller.disable_rails_logging = true
  config.logged.action_view.disable_rails_logging = true
  config.logged.action_mailer.disable_rails_logging = true
  config.logged.active_record.disable_rails_logging = true