Search Plugin

This is a plugin for LocomotiveCMS. It was created to allow LocomotiveCMS designers to add some functionallity to the LocomotiveCMS search gem.

It provides a few liwuid tags that can be used to improve the search functionality.


To use this plugin you must be using a version of LocomotiveCMS that has the plugins feature designed by Colibri Software. You can do this by making the following changes to the Gemfile in you app:

  • Remove or comment out the following line: gem 'locomotive_cms', '~> 2.X.X', require: 'locomotive/engine'
  • Add the following line: gem 'locomotive_cms', require: 'locomotive/engine', git: '', branch: 'plugins'

Then add the following lines in your Gemfile to include the plugin:

group :locomotive_plugins do
  gem 'locomotive_search_ext_plugin'

This plugin also requires the LocomotiveCMS Search gem. To add it add the following to your gemfile: gem 'locomotivecms-search', require: 'locomotive/search/mongoid'


Configuring Plugin

This plugin requires no configuration.

Liquid Drops

This plugin has no Liquid Drops

Liquid Tags

This plugin provides several tags that will improve the search functionallity.

The following is a list of tags and their options(and defaults):

  • search_assign
    • Used to turn a search result into a page or content_entry
    • Usage: {% search_assign <search_result> to <variabel to assign to>: <variable for content_type name> %}
    • Example:
      {% for result in %}
        {% search_assign result to object: flag %}
        {% if object %}
          {% link_to object%}
          {{ object_description }}
          {% if flag %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
  • search_custom_type
    • Used to do a search on a specific model using specific fields
    • Usage: {% search_custom_type <content_type> on <comma seperated fields> to <variable to store results>%}
    • Example:
      <form id="members" action="/members">
        <input type="text" name="category_id" />
      {% search_custom_type members on fields category_id to results  %}
      {% for member in members %}
      {% endfor %}

Liquid Filters

This plugin has no Liquid Filters