
:lock: File encryption for Ruby and Rails

Check out this post for more info on securing sensitive data with Rails

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Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'lockbox'

Key Generation

Generate an encryption key


Store the key with your other secrets. This is typically Rails credentials or an environment variable (dotenv is great for this). Be sure to use different keys in development and production. Keys don’t need to be hex-encoded, but it’s often easier to store them this way.

Alternatively, you can use a key management service to manage your keys.


Create a box

box = Lockbox.new(key: key)


ciphertext = box.encrypt(File.binread("license.jpg"))



Active Storage

Add to your model:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_one_attached :license
  attached_encrypted :license, key: key

Works with multiple attachments as well.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_many_attached :documents
  attached_encrypted :documents, key: key

There are a few limitations to be aware of:

  • Metadata like image width and height are not extracted when encrypted
  • Direct uploads cannot be encrypted


Add to your uploader:

class LicenseUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  encrypt key: key

Encryption is applied to all versions after processing.

Serving Files

To serve encrypted files, use a controller action.

def license
  send_data @user.license.download, type: @user.license.content_type

Use read instead of download for CarrierWave.

Key Rotation

To make key rotation easy, you can pass previous versions of keys that can decrypt.

Lockbox.new(key: key, previous_versions: [{key: previous_key}])

For Active Storage use:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  attached_encrypted :license, key: key, previous_versions: [{key: previous_key}]

To rotate existing files, use:


For CarrierWave, use:

class LicenseUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  encrypt key: key, previous_versions: [{key: previous_key}]

To rotate existing files, use:




The default algorithm is AES-GCM with a 256-bit key. Rotate the key every 2 billion files to minimize the chance of a nonce collision, which will leak the key.


Install Libsodium >= 1.0.12 and add rbnacl to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'rbnacl'

Then pass the algorithm option:

# files
box = Lockbox.new(key: key, algorithm: "xchacha20")

# Active Storage
class User < ApplicationRecord
  attached_encrypted :license, key: key, algorithm: "xchacha20"

# CarrierWave
class LicenseUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  encrypt key: key, algorithm: "xchacha20"

Make it the default with:

Lockbox.default_options = {algorithm: "xchacha20"}

You can also pass an algorithm to previous_versions for key rotation.

Hybrid Cryptography

Hybrid cryptography allows servers to encrypt data without being able to decrypt it.

Install Libsodium and add rbnacl to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'rbnacl'

Generate a key pair with:


Store the keys with your other secrets. Then use:

# files
box = Lockbox.new(algorithm: "hybrid", encryption_key: encryption_key, decryption_key: decryption_key)

# Active Storage
class User < ApplicationRecord
  attached_encrypted :license, algorithm: "hybrid", encryption_key: encryption_key, decryption_key: decryption_key

# CarrierWave
class LicenseUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  encrypt algorithm: "hybrid", encryption_key: encryption_key, decryption_key: decryption_key

Make sure decryption_key is nil on servers that shouldn’t decrypt.

This uses X25519 for key exchange and XSalsa20-Poly1305 for encryption.

Key Management

You can use a key management service to manage your keys with KMS Encrypted.

For Active Storage, use:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  attached_encrypted :license, key: :kms_key

For CarrierWave, use:

class LicenseUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  encrypt key: -> { model.kms_key }

Note: KMS Encrypted’s key rotation does not know to rotate encrypted files, so avoid calling record.rotate_kms_key! on models with file uploads for now.


It’s easy to read encrypted files in another language if needed.

Here are some examples.

The format for AES-GCM is:

  • nonce (IV) - 12 bytes
  • ciphertext - variable length
  • authentication tag - 16 bytes

For XChaCha20, use the appropriate Libsodium library.

Database Fields

Lockbox can also be used with attr_encrypted for database fields. This gives you:

  1. Easy key rotation
  2. XChaCha20
  3. Hybrid cryptography
  4. No need for separate IV columns

Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'attr_encrypted'

Create a migration to add a new column for the encrypted data. We don’t need a separate IV column, as this will be included in the encrypted data.

class AddEncryptedPhoneToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    add_column :users, :encrypted_phone, :string

All Lockbox options are supported.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  attr_encrypted :phone, encryptor: Lockbox::Encryptor, key: key, algorithm: "xchacha20", previous_versions: [{key: previous_key}]

  attribute :encrypted_phone_iv # prevent attr_encrypted error

For hybrid cryptography, use:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  attr_encrypted :phone, encryptor: Lockbox::Encryptor, algorithm: "hybrid", encryption_key: encryption_key, decryption_key: decryption_key

  attribute :encrypted_phone_iv # prevent attr_encrypted error


Pass associated data to encryption and decryption

box.encrypt(message, associated_data: "bingo")
box.decrypt(ciphertext, associated_data: "bingo")


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