LoadRunner - GitHub Webhook Server and Event Simulator

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LoadRunner is a multi-purpose utility for working with GitHub webhooks and statuses.

It provides these features:

  • A webserver that responds to GitHub webhook events and can run any arbitrary script written in any language.
  • A command line utility for testing your webhook server configuration by sending simulated events.
  • A command line utility for sending status updates to pull requests.


$ gem install loadrunner

Getting Started

  1. Download the handlers directory from this repository, as an exmaple. This directory contains several handler examples.
  2. Make sure that all files within that folder are executables.
  3. Start the server (from the handlers parent directory): loadrunner server
  4. In another terminal, send a sample webhook event: `loadrunner event localhost:3000/payload myrepo push master

The server should respond with a detailed JSON response, specifying what handlers were executed (executed_handlers) and what handlers could have been executed, if they were defined in the handlers folder (matching_handlers).

For more options, see the [documentation][1] or run

$ loadrunner --help

Building Handlers

When running the server, it will look for handlers (executable scripts) in the ./handlers directory, using one of these format:

handlers/<repo name>/global
handlers/<repo name>/<event type>
handlers/<repo name>/<event type>@branch=<branch name>
handlers/<repo name>/<event type>@tag=<branch name>

For example:


When none of the handlers are found, LoadRunner will respond with a list of handlers it was looking for, so you can use this response to figure out what it needs.

The handlers can be written in any language, and should simply be executables.

Environment Variables

These environment variables are available to your handlers:

  • LOADRUNNER_PAYLOAD - the entire JSON string as received from GitHub, or the client.

Running with Docker

You can run both the server and the client using Docker.

# Server
$ docker run -p3000:3000 dannyben/loadrunner server

# Client
$ docker run dannyben/loadrunner event http://webhook.server.com/payload repo push

If you wish to connect the client to the server you are running through Docker, you can do something like this:

$ docker run --network host dannyben/loadrunner event http://localhost:3000/payload repo push

See also: The docker-compose file.