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Lita-Twilio integrates your Twilio account into Lita. Send and receive text messages from your company chat room.


Add lita-twilio to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem "lita-twilio"


There's a bit of Yak-shaving to do here, sorry.

Required attributes

  • default_room (String) - The room or person Lita will message on receipt of incoming SMS.
  • account_sid (String) Your Twilio account's sid.
  • auth_token (String) Your Twilio account's auth_token.
  • phone_number (String) Your Twilio account's phone_number.
  • server_token (String) A keyphrase you will use to authenticate requests to the :post route. You'll need this token to properly setup Twilio callbacks to power the receive route.

Twilio Account Setup

  • If you have the free account, you'll need to manually add and verify numbers to which you want to send.
  • Go to and change the Request URL under messages to


*Litabot: sms 415-867-5309 Hello Jenny will send an SMS to (415) 867-5309 with the message "Hello Jenny"

  • Phone numbers must be strictly in the XXX-XXX-XXXX format, and sms or SMS (case insensitive) must be used as a command to Litabot.
  • Any incoming messages to your Twilio account will be displayed with the message and sender.
