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Lita-Trisul is a chat bot for Trisul Network Analytics


Add lita-trisul to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem "lita-trisul"


TODO: Describe any configuration attributes the plugin exposes.


TODO: Describe the plugin's features and how to use them.

Additional instructions

Base install

  1. Fork and then
    • Ubuntu - git clone
  2. Install ruby
    • Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev
  3. Install Ruby binding for ZMQ - we use this to connect to Trisul domain
    1. Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install ruby-ffi-rzmq
  4. Install other dependencies
    1. Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev redis-server librsvg2-bin
  5. Install bundler and all the gems
    • Ubuntu - sudo gem install bundler then bundle install

Creating your Chat bot

  1. Create a new LITA instance
    • lita new mybotwalle
  2. Configure your BOT for HIPCHAT
    • Open : walle/lita_conf and choose a nick

There seems to be a bug with gerbil charts

# To provide a temporary fix against the bug, copy the gerbil.js and brushmetal.css files to the directory to the directory from which the bot is started and then start the bot # cp /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/lita-trisul-0.2.0/lib/lita/handlers/gerbil.js . # cp /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/lita-trisul-0.2.0/lib/lita/handlers/brushmetal.js .