
Gem Version Build Status Coverage Status

Lita handler for working with the Sensu monitoring framework.

Note: This handler requires Lita >= 4.3.


Add lita-sensu to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem "lita-sensu"


The sensu handler needs to be configured with information about your sensu installation. Add the following configuration to your lita_config.rb. All parameters are optional, by default the handler will connect to for the sensu API service.

config.handlers.sensu.api_url = ''
config.handlers.sensu.api_port = 4567
config.handlers.sensu.domain = ''


Available commands:

sensu client <client> - Shows information on a specific client sensu client <client> history - Shows history information for a specific client sensu clients - List sensu clients sensu events [for ] - Shows current events, optionally for only a specific client sensu info - Displays sensu information sensu remove client <client> - Remove client from sensu sensu resolve event <client>[/service] - Resolve event/all events for client sensu silence <hostname>[/<check>][ for <duration><units>] - Silence event sensu stashes - Displays current sensu stashes

