
Build Status Code Climate Coverage RubyGems :: lita-rotp Gem Version Apache 2.0 License)

Copyright 2014 PagerDuty, Inc.

Lita handler for TOTP & HOTP token generation; uses Ruby One-Time Password (ROTP) library.

We use plenty of external services that require you to share a login while supporting two-factor authentication. There are plenty of tools available to share passwords, but nothing great for sharing/generating TOTP tokens. This handler was built so that you can store your shared account secrets in your Lita config and generate two-factor auth tokens using Lita.

NOTE: The secrets you store in the configuration file should be treated as secret. No others should be able to see them. Consider making the read permissions of your Lita configuration file very restrictive (so that only the user running Lita should be able to see the contents)


Add lita-rotp to your Lita instance’s Gemfile:

“uby gem ‘lita-rotp’, ‘~> 0.1’


lita-rotp is released under the Apache License 2.0. The full text of the license canbe found in the LICENSE file. The summary can be found here) courtesy of tldrlegal.


lita-rotp uses a Hash of key pairs to get the secrets:

“by config.handlers.rotp.secret_pairs = { tim: ‘4QGNYPZ7OSBHCWWL’, heckman: ‘IR5IYN4G5HB66BOA’ }

You then use the name heckman to use the secret for heckman.


totp heckman 596049


hotp tim 42 368274


token heckman 386015

token tim 42 549634