
A Lita handler to help you keep track of your pull requests. It can automatically post in your channels and tell you about which pull requests need attention in all of your repositories.

This means that you can mark some pull requests as needing attention, and your Lita bot will automatically know about them and remind you to address them whenever you tell it to.


Add lita-pullrequests to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem "lita-pullrequests"


Add the following configuration lines to your lita_config:

config.handlers.pullrequests.access_token = "a-github-api-access-token"
config.handlers.pullrequests.repos = ["username/reponame"]
config.handlers.pullrequests.review_label = "title of a label that represents a pr ready for review"
config.handlers.pullrequests.merge_label  = "title of a label that represents a pr ready for merge"


> @robot: give me something to review for reponame

> @robot: summarize pull requests

> @robot: set pull requests reminder for 0 20 * * 1-5

> @robot: show pull requests reminder

> @robot: stop reminding me about pull requests
